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Posts posted by Gwhar1

  1. Congrats to everyone getting offers and interviews! I have been stressing but it would be worse without all ya'll. 

    I got rejects from Yale, Northwestern, and UCONN.

    All Painting/Studio 

    UCLA, status still says "no decision," I've heard nothing from PennDesign or Hunter. (Or anyone else) status' all say "submitted" or something like that. So I am holding on to some hope 

  2. 3 hours ago, Causofit said:

    i had an interview with upenn today! i feel like it actually went well (which might be a bad sign) but, they were really casual and laughing and interested! And I was nervous and babbling, and I wish I wasn't because I would have loved to talked about my work. but i don't remember what i said. And at some point I said something and i saw the one person not like what i said. I could tell by her gestures. yikes.  anyway, they said they hope to see me at the open house. and I will SO be there. but yeah....

    that was kinda scary.

    good luck everyone :)

    Congrats! The part you don't remember is probably when you were nailing it :) I was wonder how you were notified - I haven't heard from Penn yet :( 

  3. 5 minutes ago, stitcher said:

    Sorry my PDF above didn't work.  I copied and pasted here:

    Interview questions:




    *Why do you want to come here and how could you contribute to the program?


    Tell us about the materials you are working with.


    How do you incorporate your audience in your work?




    What is risk in your medium?




    *What are your passions besides your art?




    Question related to artist statement




    Tell us about your work informally




    Talk about how your materials/medium relate to your subject matter




    Have you ever considered expanding beyond your medium?




    *Do you have questions for us?




    How are you different than other artists?




    Create a 3 item agenda for your interview.




    How does your work fit in with the contemporary art world/scene?




    *Why do you want to go to this school?




    Why do you want to go to grad school? Why now?




    What resources of this program will be the biggest benefit to your development as an artist?




    *What is your work about?




    What are your influences?




    What for you constitutes a good work of art?




    What draws you to a piece of work?




    What motivates your work?




    Who are your main influences?




    *Where do you see yourself in 10 years?




    What do you think is a good critique of your work/bad critique?




    Why/how did you choose the people who wrote letters for you?




    *What do you do for fun?




    What artists do you like?




    What artists who are no longer living influence you?




    **What book are you reading right now? What do you think about it?




    What are you working on right now?




    *Please explain this work  (interviewer showing work)




    What is your favorite piece of art? Why? (Title, artist,year)




    Can you describe yourself, such as personal habit, etc.




    Do you get along well with others ?




    What would you bring to a group dynamic ?




    *What can you offer this program? Any special skills?




    What do you think is a good way of critiquing ? a bad way?




    What other aspects of culture influence your work besides art/art history?




    *How do you see yourself taking advantage of this school’s enviroment/program?




    What exhibition have you been to in the last year?




    What have you done since you’ve graduated?




    What contemporary artists are you into, and why?




    Tell us about the conceptual underpinnings of your work?




    Talk about your process.




    How is your work related to *this movement*?




    What do you think about (artist, movement, subject/topic)?




    What can't you stand? Why?




    What do you think about your own work?




    How do you want your work to develop?




    Why are you making the work you're making, and why do you want to keep doing it?




    Meaning behind your subject matter?




    Why grad school, why now?




    Who is your artist nemesis?




    Do you have any designer that you admire or a movement that you like?




    Why did you choose our program?




    Do you have any ideas what your thesis project would be about?




    Why use arcane techniques in digital age?





    Oh man. Thank you for this. It is so helpful Stitcher. 

  4. 12 minutes ago, turnip said:

    Congratulations! I just got my rejection letter from Northwestern. 

    I will be interviewing with PennDesign as well. It's a fairly long drive for me, but I want to see the facilities so I think I will make it work. 

    I also just got rejection from Northwestern. 

    Congrats on PennDesign interview! I haven't heard from them yet...

  5. Thanks for the info. This is a great help. I had no idea there was discontent among the students regarding GSA policies. A larger student body with limited access to limited studio space is a valid gripe. But the Idea of studying in the UK is attractive enough for me to see these limits as challenges instead of deal breakers. I am admittedly enamored by the “Glasgow miracle.” J However, the bit about GSA increasing acceptance by 25% to help fund the after-the-fire rebuild tells me funding is less likely and no funding means no-go for me.

    I wonder what the rent is like in Glasgow. Do people often require flat-mates or are single occupancies affordable?


    Thanks again for taking the time to respond and good luck with RCA!!

  6. Hello everybody,

    I am here to freak out with y'all. I have lurked since last cycle am happy to share this experience in all of its gut wrenching glory. I applied to 9 programs. Points of freaking rumination are as follows:

    1. Rejected from everywhere. 2. Accepted to top choice w/no funding. 3. Accepted only to last choice with full funding. 4.Did I get the right transcripts to the right places. 5. Was my dumb essay about punk rock related in anyway to diversity. 6.If it is all a bust do I go again next cycle. 6. Am I too old to be pursuing this. 

    And another thing:

    Does anybody know about the MFA Program at Glasgow? I applied because one of my Proffs strongly recommended it but I am nervous about committing to a program I know little about (if given the opportunity) Any insight would be appreciated. 

    Good Luck Everybody!

    Painting/ Drawing 2017

    CUNY Hunter



    SUNY Purchase





    UD (Delaware)



    Accepted: 0

    Rejected: 0

    Waitlisted: 0

  7. Has anyone had a any experience with Glasgow School of Art?  One of my Professors (from Scotland) is suggesting I go to Glasgow if I can. So I am putting together a Application for the MFA/Studio Art program. I like the diversity of the work in the on-line gallery and the the idea of studying outside of the US is exciting. I am having a difficult time finding out information about the usual grad school stuff, other than what is posted by the school. Funding, positive student experience, studio space, etc. They are part of the International Schools that accept Federal Student Loans Program. I was able to send my FAFSA vis school code. 


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