Program Applied To: MPP
Schools Applied To: Sanford Duke, Michigan Ford, Georgetown GPPI, Berkeley GSPP, Harvard Kennedy School
Schools Admitted To: Sanford Duke, Michigan Ford, Georgetown GPPI
Schools Rejected From: GSPP, HKS
Decision: Ford School, because I was getting more $ from them
Undergraduate institution: Top research university
Undergraduate GPA: 3.49
Last 60 hours of Undergraduate GPA (if applicable): 3.6
Undergraduate Major: Sociology
GRE Quantitative Score: 650
GRE Verbal Score: 730
GRE AW Score: 5
Years Out of Undergrad (if applicable): 3 years
Years of Work Experience: 3
Describe Relevant Work Experience: 2 years working in city government
Strength of SOP (be honest, describe the process, etc): I think this was pretty good, though I could have spent more time on it. I especially could have spent more time on my HKS statements--I was being lazy and didn't really take too much time on it. My advice is that if you're going to spend around $75-$100 to apply somewhere, give it your absolute best shot.
Strength of LOR's (be honest, describe the process, etc): I think they were all very strong--one was from a professor who was my advisor, teacher, and employer. One was from my current supervisor, and another was from a woman I had done advocacy work with.
Other: When you apply, keep the strength of possible funding a consideration.