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Everything posted by chemteachersrule

  1. hey i put the name/title/country in the header of both of my essays and I got in. I wont say to do it but it is at your own risk.
  2. Hey everyone! I am a Fulbright ETA to Indonesia who began my journey yesterday in Jakarta. I just launched my first blog that details my experience. Here is the link: theadventuresofmrahmad.wordpress.com Don't forget to subscribe, like, comment, see photos of my adventure and provide feedback and suggestions. Also, do let me know what you want to hear about my experience! All the best in the application process. Please do reach out for questions!
  3. Hi everyone, I just published my first blog post that details my Fulbright ETA journey to Indonesia. I landed yesterday and launched my blog the same day too. Here is the link theadventuresofmrahmad.wordpress.com I hope you enjoy! Don't forget to subscribe, like, comment, see photos of my adventure and provide feedback and suggestions. Also, do let me know what you want to hear about my experience! All the best!
  4. Hi everyone, I received a Fulbright ETA grant to teach in Indonesia for the upcoming school year. I would be more than happy to answer any questions or help you out in your essays! Good Luck!
  5. Good question because I wouldnt mind going to my nation (Indonesia) a week earlier to explore!
  6. Congrats on being name Alternate! This is a huge achievement in itself. I have faith and hope that youll be a finalist!
  7. Wow! This is really cool and neat for Brazil to do this.
  8. Did anyone receive notice about PDO? Are we supposed to book our own flights to DC?
  9. From the website, it looks like Nepal has a host commission country. Indonesia contacted me three days later with all required documents for me to sign. Try emailing them
  10. I am still checking and hoping you get it!! YOU GOT THIS!!
  11. congrats dude!!!
  12. Just wanted to hear from you all: Are you guys posting on FB/Twitter/IG/any social media that you have received a Fulbright? Or is this something that you can not reveal? I could have sworn I read somewhere years back that you shouldnt reveal it on social media (maybe im dreaming)...ive been keeping it on the low and have told only select people. What are yall's thoughts?
  13. Good luck to everyone today!!
  14. Good luck! I hope you get it! Which nation are you waiting to hear back from?
  16. this is so me today. I am proctoring a state exam and have been refreshing my emails often when time permits.
  17. I like that growth mindset! #PositiveVibes
  18. Good luck to everyone tomorrow! Hope we all hear tomorrow or very soon!
  19. I hope!! Fingers crossed we are both awarded and meet each other at PDO!!!
  20. I hope its not a rumor! I want to find out now. The wait is killing me. I have so many dreams about what I would do with my grant.
  21. Indeed, this forum is very supportive of each other and i have yet to hear anything that puts anyone down. As a former applicant to medical school, the medical school forum is very different. A lot less supporting in my personal opinion
  22. for real!!! im waiting for Indonesia...last year they notified on the 22nd so i was being extra hopeful today still have some time left tho
  23. just wanted to say I applaud you all for your intentions in your grant to assist with refugee populations. As a teacher in an underserved community, I work with refugee and undocumented students everyday. Hearing their stories--and theyre journey--to the U.S. is heartbreaking. They have a special place in my heart for all the bs they have to go through. Thank you all <3
  24. CONGRATS!!
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