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Everything posted by Born-to-pipette

  1. Congratulations!!! Currently terrified -- but a girl can dream! PLEEEEEAAAASEEEE pick me too!
  2. What's the consensus on how soon we should accept an interview invitation? Amongst my top choices, UPenn and Weill Cornell have conflicting interview weekends; however, the latter will not send out interview invites until around Christmas. Although Penn has three interview weekends, they had specifically invited me to the first one. Should I ask if I could interview the second weekend "just in case"? Accept the invitation for now, but indicate a potential conflict with the first weekend and ask if I could confirm the particular date at a later time? I am hesitant, as I want to avoid giving the impression that I'm more interested in another school over Penn.
  3. They WOULD have it the same weekend as UPenn. And Weill-Cornell. Not that I've received an invite (yet? hopefully? ) to Pitts or Cornell so I'll just shush
  4. Welp. I definitely did not receive a second email (yet?) PS - when is your Pitts interview?
  5. It says 2017 on mine? Maybe they noticed and fixed it! Preliminary Interview Day Schedule 2017, Jan 10 to Jan 12 Yours said 2016?
  6. Received an invite for Sloan Kettering as well!! Heart attack first thing in the morning since there was no mention of interview in the subject line OR the first sentence -- sounded almost ominous Will see all you kids there congrats!!
  7. I was right there with ya - but don't lose hope! Especially since you've already been told you were VERY competitive. Historically, CAMB accepts 100+ applicants -- last year I think it was 108. I imagine there'd be a little more interviews, so it must take a while for the coordinator to work through all of those!
  8. 1.5 hours of (not-quite-so) low-key freaking out later... i received an interview invite to UPenn CAMB!!! also, i hadn't realized that they select your weekend for you!
  9. i don't have anything helpful to say, other than i love the title of this post
  10. Congrats!! Which division within UPenn CAMB did you apply to?
  11. Congratulations!! They personalized it in what way? How nice!
  12. Fair point.... Let's hope that's it ? did you apply to Penn's immunology as well? I nearly did but went to CAMB instead...
  13. Oh Lord, they've now sent TWO rounds of interviews? The anxiety is unreal. I just looked at my IBGP application and I couldn't find any questions pertaining to track - if I specified, then it was most likely immunology. Which did you apply to?
  14. I noticed Pittsburgh sent interview offers Nov 23rd. Any of you folk apply there? Was bummed not to have gotten an invite, but hoping that it was just because they hadn't received my final recommendation yet (even if it was letter #4) :/
  15. Gaaaaaaaahhhh. Stay calm? Just why are you trying to do that? xD Also I applied to Weill Cornell's IMP as well! Apparently, they send invites late Dec/early Jan, according to previous years' trends, so we've got a little bit of a wait there
  16. Which UPenn BGS program did you two apply to? Bioenchilada did say something about a meeting on the 13th for CAMB, so I imagine we'd be hearing soon after!
  17. Y'all - for those of you who haven't stumbled into the admissions results section of this site, here's another nice little thing to obsessively refresh over the next few weeks/months: http://thegradcafe.com/survey/index.php Also nice to see when your schools are notifying for interviews/acceptances/rejections. I think someone might've mentioned that in a recent post as well. PS - if anyone's figured out how to configure notifications for that, please share
  18. Very true. Something I've learned in this process hahaha. At this point, I'm just working on my essays and hoping for the best ?
  19. Perf so pretty much getting an interview at a larger institution is a good indication of admission status, as long as one doesn't screw it up haha
  20. that's what I thought too!! Because that's what makes sense, right? And it's what I've heard in the past. But i called a few schools to ask a few questions (which btw one of your UPenn coordinators was the nicest human ever. like seriously went out of her way to answer my questions.) and they indicated it was closer to 50%. but that might be more accurate for smaller programs. my institution, for example, accepts one third of interviewees.
  21. Did you happen to receive offers of admission from all 6 programs you interviewed with? Seems like interview offers are where 80% of applicants are weeded out, with only half of those who interview get an offer.
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