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Calvin S

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Posts posted by Calvin S

  1. 3 hours ago, Marcion said:

    I cannot speak for myself, but I can speak for a few people. For some people, just taking time off helps them. Some faculty members are suspicious of students who have gone from Undergrad to Grad and now want to do the Ph.D. Fearing burn out is very really because burn outs do happen. Given that this is about investing time, energy, and money, people worry about that. So just being in the "real world" for a little bit helps. But other things I have seen help is boosting the CV just a little. Adding a book review or two from respectable journals. Publishing one peer reviewed article in a solid journal. Volunteering some of your time to a digital humanities project, such as transcription work. Attending your local/regional conferences. Maybe presenting as well. Building up the networks that didn't before. And just simply improving your GRE score, SOP, and Sample Essay because you don't have to balance four other classes. All of these things I have seen help people. 

    I actually have the opposite problem. I have lots of years between my masters and now, so I'm thinking that a ThM or equivalent may help with updated letters of rec and better writing sample. 

  2. On the results one of the Harvard admits writes that last year he/she was shut out by all six schools and this year has two acceptances so far. I'm curious what that person did between years that helped? (If anyone wants to claim that acceptance)

    And in general, anyone who did better in a second round, how did you improve your application?

  3. 12 minutes ago, axiomness said:

    Ah, no that's not quite it. It makes more sense than that. I received the nomination for the Phil Religion track but the department picked an/some alternative person(s) for their "interdisciplinary" slot. They pool the less popular areas together for x amount of offers, and they didn't pick me/Phil Religion at the departmental level. Still very upsetting, though. Especially since it, apparently (acc. to my POI there) makes me less likely to get in this time around. :( 

    Do you mean that an applicant has less of a chance if he/she applied the year before and didn't get in? Is this generally the case?

  4. That is weird because the part of the GDR website I was looking at (FAQ) said December 8, so that is what I told all my recommenders and I didn't realize until the day before that it wasn't the official deadline. There was another school (I can't remember which!) that had two different dates on its website too. So annoying!

  5. Thanks @RD_Paul and @marXian. That is helpful. The application process is very confusing because some students visit all their schools and some none. Since I'm out West, I do not have the time and money to visit all my schools but was thinking about one last-minute trip. I think I will devote my time to working on my SOP and Writing Sample instead. I am, however, going to AAR/SBL, so I am going to meet with some POIs there. 

    I have been emailing POIs, but not multiple for every school.

    I am definitely applying to 5 schools and may add one or two more. I know someone (in another discipline) who applied to 12 schools, but there just aren't 12 schools I would go to if I got in, so I don't see the point of that many.

  6. I have a few questions for those of you who got into PhD Religion programs in the last couple of years...

    1) Did you visit some/all of the schools you applied to before applying?

    2) Did you email professors at some/all of the schools you applied to before applying? If so, just one from each school, or several from each school?

    3) How many total schools did you apply to?


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