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Posts posted by anese

  1. Thank you. :D

    Yeah, though I havn't been to America before, I can guess the differences. But what is the differences anyway?

    I don't see transportation as a priority, but culture, school study environment and teachers are of great importance. Will U of Conn be better because it is in New England and it is near Yale? And if I want to pursue PhD in that area, will it be easier ( since it is nearer) if I go to U Conn?

    Thanks again

    I feel that these questions are really dependent not upon location, but upon the professors that you study under and take your classes with. You would want to check departments and see who is reputable in your field of interest, identify a research interest/topic of study (tbh not sure if an MA in Lit would have a research proposal or project--I'm guessing because professors are expected to research you would) to write your thesis paper on which *interests* you, where a professor (hopefully of repute) shares that common interest.

    This will make the big difference in where you pursue your PhD work...I guess if U Conn offers say, opportunities to take coursework with Professors from Yale University, that would open a window for you as well because you may get a chance to establish a facutly relationship and secure a recommendation.

  2. I was in a bit of a pickle similar to yours, and it looks like we share overlapping interests...I went for an American Studies Masters program--depending upon the university they are pretty customizable. I'm going to be taking classes in history, political science, public policy and international affairs...something that I am incredibly excited about!

    You also get the opportunity to work with professors from different departments within the school and diversify your recommendations. Depending on the program this can work in your favor in terms of research and exposure...also, I would try looking for a department that is very friendly towards helping you find an internship at a museum or private organization where you get the opportunity to either a.) demonstrate dedication b.) research some more! This was a big selling point for me--I know we can always find things on our own, but I admit to being won over by a bit more guidance in programs.

    I know that NYU's program is very strong in history and urban affairs/public policy and political science...Columbia's has a stronger bent towards training applicants to enter into PhD programs in a variety of humanities disciplines, its main focus is not training you as a scholar in "American Studies".

    I believe GWU's program is geared more towards history and policy in the public sector...in any case, they might be worth the look if you want a Masters in something outside of the general field of (but exciting mind you!) "History".

  3. unknown, i have the same feelings about posting this sort of thing on line.

    I'm guessing the OP already went the "ask Professor for input" route...I had to ask two, the first was vague and not very helpful, the second completely tore down my essay and made me rewrite several times from the ground up. So asking multiple professors in your field or even outside your field of interest, might be of great use to you if you have not already!

  4. I wouldn't base my decision on just one person's input. Explore both programs. Talk to the professors and current students. Take a walk around the campus, the department's offices, and sit in on a class. Think about the money, the commute, where you would rather live, how helpful the advisors and office staff are (relatively speaking - this is the East Coast we're talking about). There are a lot of things to take into consideration, and one person's opinion should not rate very high on that list; you should go to the school you want to attend, not the school someone else likes.

    Thank you for your advice...I think I am just more upset than happy about this because I am working long hours and straightening out FinAid etc...

    A professor who mentored me through this process and did her own degree work there has recommended the Columbia program over NYU, but has also offered to call her fellow professors in the department and ask their thoughts on opportunities to do research/publish etc...

    In my Masters degree work I want the best opportunity to demonstrate my commitment and ability in a rigorous program--I guess on the surface it looks like a silly problem, as theoretically I should be able to do this anywhere and both are great institutions...

    Somehow, I wish flipping a coin was a real option for this.

  5. I should be happier than this...but now I am just confused...it's for the MA in American Studies program, which I have been told really isn't that great by a poster on this forum.

    Yet, I will have to make a serious decision.

    I was planning on attending NYU's American Studies Program in the Fall.

    Assume funding offers are the same...any thoughts? :cry:

  6. I'm still waiting on info from NYU's grad housing--I know it's supposed to be the more expensive route, but I feel more comfortable getting housing through the school than I do going for an apartment with strangers or something. My sister is finishing up her last year of work at FIT and if she doesn't get housing this year, we are going to go in on a place together.

    She knows NYC better because she also went to school at Columbia and is pretty certain about finding an affordable even if tiny place for the two of us in Manhattan...anyway...

    just putting feelers out if anyone knows about NYUs grad housing situation? I know that nothing is written in blood with this waiting list...I am quite frankly in jitters about this and dread having to find a hotel or something to stay in if I don't get anything and she does, in order to find a crappy apartment somewhere!

  7. It's funny: the advice I got from my advisors was helpful or not based entirely on what their strengths were. The big name, highly prolific "superman" professor gave me the best advice about SoPs and writing samples. The new professor, a few years out of grad school, gave me the best advice about how to select schools, which schools have good working atmospheres, and what red flags to look out for in their promotional material/websites. The crusty old codger who is on his way out, well, he just wrote me a very enthusiastic LoR (although it took him five tries to figure out how to work the online recommendation forms).

    Like my undergraduate history profs. repeated over and over, drilling it into my head, one has to evaluate one's sources, locate their strengths and weaknesses, and treat them accordingly. I think a lot of the older professors either A) did not have to deal with such stiff competition when they were moving up the ranks, or B) forgot what it was like to be a young upstart.

    I've been reading Gregory Colon Semanza's book (which I highly recommend, by the way) about building a career in the Humanities, and it is amazing how much his guide, having been written by a professor only a few years out of graduate school, seems so much more pertinent than the others I have read before, which were mainly written by more established professors. Academia may change slowly, but it certainly does change from one decade to the next.

    I'm definitely going to give that a read--I feel very green right now, and I am! Not having yet entered into my program, and I feel like I need a bit more knowledge about the challenges facing me along the way to becoming a professor...

    You know, I had similar experiences with my own professors, although it was the youngest one who recommended these stellar and prestigious universities, I think because she mentored me and had been accepted there herself, she didn't think I'd have any problem XD

  8. I was going to recommend the same, History of Science or History of Medicine--these are also programs that receive fewer applicants over all and might be "easier" to get into. (Note the "easier" in quotations.) My advice would be to go ahead and apply to PhD programs next year--and if you are worried about recommendations, perhaps you can establish relationships with history professors if you take some courses as a non-degree student over the summer or next year?

    I was in a situation similar to yours--but I was a bit fortunate in that I realized what I REALLY wanted to do at the end of my sophomore year. This gave me the opportunity to establish new professional relationships and I changed my BS in Psychology and Biological Sciences to a BS in History and Public Policy.

    Professors also made similar recommendations about pursuing programs in History of Science/Medicine to me, but I was more interested in a liberal study of American History, so I focused largely on US History programs and American Studies programs. So, if you are not interested in His of Science/Medicine, don't feel trapped! I experienced a wide range of rejections and acceptances from competitive programs for various reasons. Ultimately, I accepted an MA offer at a program at NYU with the opportunity to continue on to get a PhD.

    Granted, I got an earlier start than you (junior year)--but don't worry. It may seem grim now, but you still have time to establish some professional relationships. Visit some of your former professors and discuss your plans, and if you are still worried about not having established any relationships, ask if they need a research assistant over the summer or next year (even if it's unpaid--a costly but ultimately beneficial investment) that could be a good option for you. Or just talk to them about their willingness to write a recommendation. I will caution you with this--I had one rec from a professor I only took one class with, now that is generally not a good idea, but when you need 3 you need 3...and it worked out in the end.

    I believe that the most important thing, especially in your case is to work hard hard hard on your SoP and see if you can get a history professor to review it/work with you on it! You can demonstrate your interest in studying history and really prove that this isn't just a sudden career change for you. Even with my largely lackluster recs I was told by several committees it was what got me into the final rounds for consideration. Also, apply to a wide range of schools and consider going for the MA your first time around, not only so that you can figure out your focus but also so that you can demonstrate your commitment and establish new professional contacts! If you are serious about becoming a History professor (which I think you are :D ) then the idea of doing all of this should be exciting for you...

    So don't panic...it's not over 'til it's over!

  9. When did you take the GRE? I took it in 2003 (my scores even expired just before I officially accepted an offer; I totally beat the system!) and absolutely do not have any idea what you are talking about. This must be something new, as my scores were higher than Unknownscholar's and I never heard anything from anyone about anything, though I certainly would have filled out a survey if there had been one, since I love surveys so much.

    I took the GRE in November 2007--but I don't think my offer was based on a survey, because I'm pretty sure I skipped it. I just had my scores sent to U-Mich because I was applying to them for another program.

  10. When taking GRE, I filled out a survey, as some of other test takers did, I am sure. My GRE score turned out fairly high, but I did not get admitted anywhere I had applied. Now, a few days ago I unexpectedly got an e-mail from Pace University inviting me to apply to grad school there (deadline is June 1, so there is plenty of time). According to this e-mail, they contacted me because of that GRE survey I had filled out.

    Anyway, I am curious: how many people hear got invitations like that, and from what universities?

    I got an invitation from University of Michigan's IS PhD/MS program after I took mine. They also put up a nice blog and webpage for me to encourage my interest in their program. I have no wish to study IS in my graduate work, and to behonest I think I wouldn't even be able to maintain the min GPA required for graduate study in that field. However, it was a pretty gratifying experience to be asked.

    I think alot of schools send out invitations like this if they think the students are particularly unique or well-suited to study with them. I'm not quite sure how unique of a candidate I would be-- but I have a BS in History and Policy, scored very well on GRE and attended Carnegie Mellon University (mostly known for techies and fine arts)--so maybe the prospect of a history major who took alot of policy classes and programming appealed to them. I'm also a woman--so that's another bee in my university bonnet that would have made my app stand out. BUT I digress, this is all speculation.

    If anything else, these emails are a nice story to share.

  11. This may be an unpopular opinion--but I say, good for you!

    I do not think I would have the courage to do it--but I do think on some level these institutions should be held accountable. We do pay for a service, after all.

  12. Hi guys--

    I have a bit of a strange dilemna.

    I visited NYC for two weeks, mostly with the aim of visiting NYU after I was accepted to the MA in American Studies Program.

    Admittedly, when I first started applying to graduate schools, my aim was to be accepted into a program where I could earn a PhD in History (United States)--however, I also applied to several MA programs in History/American Studies as a plan B.

    Now, at the time I was not very familiar with what an American Studies degree would mean--I only recently, after learning from my one and only acceptance letter, started seriously considering going to get one.

    I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not--I read alot about the program, and I am very interested in the curriculum, but I am not sure whether or not earning this degree would help me to establish a stronger academic CV when I reapply for PhD work. I also visited NYU--but I do not know much about American Studies programs because I know that is a relatively new interdisciplinary field, and I am worried that many history departments in universities might not take it seriously.

    NYU offers a great deal of history coursework with the degree, as well as sociology and public policy classes, and even has a foreign language requirement--which I am very excited about and think will offer me a strong basis to begin PhD work.

    However, they also didn't offer me a dime, and right now I am working on getting money together through a fellowship and several scholarship funds. One thing for sure--I can look forward to getting this paid for, if not by the first year, than by the second, and to a bit of reimbursement for any loans I take out for the first year. (parental/familial contributions)

    Still, I am debating earning this degree. Would it help me in the long run in going for a PhD in History and Policy? (My undergraduate major was a BS in History and Policy from Carnegie Mellon University, its an interdisciplinary degree, incase anyone was wondering) I was seriously considered by Michigan (I know this from speaking to the Director of the Board of Admissions) and it was only an office snafoo that resulted in a denied admission status. I was even told to reapply next year and what to include in my application.

    HOWEVER- I know that such an assurance is not a 100% thing--who knows what their candidates would be like next year, and when I do my PhD work, I do not want to have to rely JUST on a finger-crossed acceptance at U-Mich. I would like more options, and my undergraduate record is strongest my second two years--my first two years hurt me. I would also like to get more recommendations and more writing under my belt--even some publications, which the program at NYU offers.

    I'm 85% sure that I will say yes to NYU in the next week or so-- (I have two weeks left to make a decision)

    I have heard nothing from Columbia and nothing from Fordham or GWU's MA programs...I was stalling to see what I get from them and because of my own indecisiveness.

    I am also nervous because I know nothing about NYU's ranking in AS--or even if there are official rankings for this program? I checked out the current grad students, and they all seem very enthusiastic and accomplished--from Ivies with far more experience than I--I am 22 and most of their students are in their early 30s.

    The people seem great, but aside from that the only other thing I have to go on are some words of encouragement from a respected Public Policy professor from my alma mater---that they have several "accomplished and distinguished" History professors on their faculty.

    I guess what I'm looking for is a bit of perspective...I feel like I have made up my mind already, but I am still waffling between declining and reapplying or going for it now.

    ETA- It seems NYU has made this decision for me, I received a letter detailing an award totaling 56k along with eligibility for some scholarship money.

    Fordham University sent an acceptance letter but no money--so---I am very enthusiastic right now, but having quite a bit of trouble articulating it!

  13. Ditto McSpitto. Your acceptance is one of the small bits of leverage you've got, and program directors will jerk you around quite a bit if they think they can get away with it. Do not accept on half-promises or insinuations. If they want to fund you, fine. If not, then don't accept and hope that they will later come up with $15k/year out of the goodness of their hearts.

    Unfortunately, I'm dealing with the same kind of situation--but I was specifically told that the university does not offer funding to its masters students...so I have no room for leeway at all.

  14. Majoring in International Educational Development, Masters degree.

    I am in serious, VERY serious dilemma between PennGSE and Teachers College.

    PennGSE offered me $5,000 of scholarship and for TC, there is absolutely no funding for Masters students, I heard.

    I know TC is a better ranked school than PennGSE for graduate school of education and has better reputation but is it really a big difference? Penn's International Educational Development is a start-up program from this Fall. I believe this could be bad and good at the same time. I am just not sure if TC is worth of spending that much money living in NYC.

    And does it give better opportunities for getting jobs and internships if I stay in TC?

    Any advise/tip that you can give me on this tough decision? I really need HELP!!!!!!

    Which school would you choose if you are in my situation?

    My sister attended Teacher's College for a MFA in Music Education--has nothing but great things to say about the program!

    I can tell you for sure that we did not pay a dime out of pocket for her education--however, I know that she did receive scholarship and a grant which largely covered her education. So, I don't think there is no money at all...if that is any comfort. I would wait and see what fin aid office can put together (if you have not already).

  15. This is why I stopped including risque pictures in my application packets.

    haha I feel I should not laugh at this though--because this is terrible situation for bavarian to be in.

    I honestly don't know what you can do--I mean, you can't go back on accepting an offer at this point, right?

    What a disorganized decision-making process! You might just be better off going elsewhere anyway!

  16. I just got my phone call today!!! Accepted!

    Now I just have to figure out how I'm going to pay for this--since everyone is saying that NYU doesn't fund!

    Also--still waiting to hear back from Columbia...

  17. Why does it seem to bother you that your potential adviser is white?

    "older white male" seems to imply to me that there is a fear of conservative bias by the OP? Cultural bias? Hmm I can't answer for them--but I too wondered exactly why this would be an issue...because of the field of study, perhaps?

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