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Everything posted by SOCIALWERK2020

  1. I didn't apply to WLU, but was accepted into 4 other MSW programs. Your experience sounds amazing, and you have a very competitive gpa! As far as volunteer work, I personally did so much before I had much paid social work experience... basically so I could get related experience. So I wouldn't worry too much in your case! (Also it's challenging to do volunteer work now due to covid, unless you're able to find a virtual position). I think it's great that you discuss oppression in your personal statement! Best of luck to you!
  2. That’s where I did my BSW!
  3. Hi Everyone! I am a current advanced standing student at U of T, and was accepted after my second time trying. I also applied and was accepted to Dal, York, and Waterloo. I’m sure it seems like you need A+ grades and 20 years of experience, but honestly, I didn’t and I got in. Idk if this is helpful, but: I had a 3.0 GPA in my BA (dbl major psych and soc), and then I did a one year SSW diploma (3.9/4.0). Then a post-degree BSW: 3.68/4.33 (B+ not quite A- lol). I volunteered and had part time jobs in social services throughout my BSW, and after graduating I worked as a social worker in community mental health for 3 years, while volunteering on a distress hotline. In my applications I was sure to tie in how my professional experience and area of interest relates to my own lived experiences of oppression, and how I will use my education in the future. Feel free to message me if you have any questions! I know it can be stressful but good luck!❤️
  4. That’s great that you have a job lined up just in case! Is it in the social services? If so, I think it would make you even more competitive if you decide to apply again!
  5. Last year when I was waitlisted I think I heard back by about the 10th of September saying I did not get off the list. I was accepted in March this year to the advanced standing program. Our classes start on Monday, September 14th, so I’m assuming they’ll let you know either way the week before. Good luck to everyone still waiting ?
  6. Hi! I am starting my MSW (advanced standing) this fall at u of t. Second time applying - was waitlisted last year. Also got into a few others (Waterloo, Dal, York). if anyone has any questions about the application processes, my education or experience, feel free to ask either here or in a DM! I know it’s a stressful and nerve racking process ❤️
  7. Any U of T advanced standing people in the zoom meeting now?
  8. I have been accepted! But I’ll be declining as I’m accepting U of T. best of luck ?
  9. I just received an acceptance from Waterloo! Congrats to everyone else who heard so far I will be declining their offer, as I’ll be accepting U of T! I also was accepted into Dal distance, but will be declining as well. Still haven’t heard from York yet
  10. I have heard York is the most critical of the three! I know of someone who taught there who has a very critical lens
  11. PS. I just received my official offer of acceptance from U of T (advanced standing) in an email and on SGS!
  12. I was waitlisted last year and unfortunately did not get in off the list. However, the year before, my friend got accepted off the waitlist in late August... so there is hope! I understand the frustration, but please try not to get discouraged ?
  13. Hi! I was (and still am) working Monday to Friday, so no, I did not upgrade any classes or do research. That would be a good idea though! I took on an extra role with a volunteer agency I’ve been with for 2.5 years though! Also, I’m lucky to have a job where I have significant input in my role, and in the project we are working on (which I have been with since it began). If you think you may be lacking experience, try considering volunteering if that’s an option! Message me if you have any questions, I personally found my volunteering helped me gain so many skills ? I was accepted into the advanced standing (mh & h stream). I have a BA in psych and sociology (2013) and a BSW (2017)!
  14. Also @Starfinger10: I haven’t seen it on SGS or by email yet! Only ACORN!
  15. I just got invited to U of T’s MSW as well!! I’m actually shocked! Congrats to everyone who was accepted so far! To those still waiting, if you get in this year, that’s incredible! If not, a waitlist or rejection does not reflect your ability to be a great social worker, or your worth as a person. Last year I was waitlisted by U of T, you can still get your MSW, it may just take some time. ❤️ I’m here if anyone needs to talk?
  16. I’m still waiting too.....!
  17. I’m wondering about York too!
  18. YAY! Thanks for emailing her!!
  19. You’re probably right.. we’ve waited this long, we can wait a few more days, right?!
  20. Ahh okay! I only know that last year I heard back from u of t around this time.... honestly the wait wasn’t bothering me until about last week!
  21. Any advanced standing applicants hear anything yet?? I’ve been obsessively refreshing the UofT, York, and Waterloo sites all day!
  22. Aww sorry to hear that ? where else did you apply?
  23. Yessss I will do this if I hear anything!!! ❤️
  24. Me too!!
  25. I just got accepted into Dal’s part time online MSW (for those with a BSW)! Still waiting on UOfT, York, and Waterloo! anyone else hear back yet??
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