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Everything posted by AmyBee

  1. That's GREAT news! I am so happy for you and I am still keeping these fingers crossed that you get to be one of the final 3
  2. I applied to Reno's Social psych program and haven't heard a thing yet, anyone else waiting to hear? Looking at the admissions database it looks like only one person posted their acceptance date and it came 3/20/2008 ! Am I the only UNR Social applicant around these parts or are there more of you lurking?
  3. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!
  4. I'm a Brit but have been in the states for a while and received my BA from a US University. In general I'm lumped together with US citizens because I have a green card. I would like to think that my exposure to other cultures (I'm a social psych applicant) made available to me by living in the UK and traveling Europe makes me stand out but then again everyone has something that makes them stand out don't they? As for the research question I'm afraid I'm no help since I picked up work as a research assistant for the past year to help boost my research experience.
  5. I applied under Social Psych and have heard nothing yet. Wasn't invited to interview so I'm not holding my breath but still, I'd like to know for sure.
  6. Right at the bottom of the screen under "Other: Not Applicable" it says: Decision Status: Available beginning 3/5/2010 Your application decision is now available online (with a link) Prior to hearing back from them via e-mail that my status had been updated, this text did not show up at all and my web page looked just like yours
  7. Hi all, I'm fairly new to the Grad Cafe but thought I'd drop in and share my disappointing results so far. University of Virginia - Rejected University of California, Riverside - Rejected Boston College - Rejected University of Arizona - Rejected University of Illinois, Chicago - Pending University of Nevada, Reno - Pending I'm in NC so the two pending will be quite a journey for my family and I (I'm running headlong in to 30 this year ) but it'd be nice to get some good news!
  8. Hoping for one acceptance in my two remaining schools. 4 Rejections so far.

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