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    9 Ph.D. Programs- American Politics

hopefulfall12gradstudent's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. Political Science, 9 PhD Programs, 2012 application season

  2. Score estimates: V- 720-800, actual 165 (96th percentile-corresponds to 680/690) Q- 750-800, actual 160 (84th percentile- corresponds to 760) Writing- 5.5 So verbal off by 30 but quant at the bottom of the range. In a sense it makes sense that they would be more accurate on quant because they have a bigger percentile range to hit. Essentially my verbal range was 97th percentile to 99th percentile, while the quant was 82nd to 94th percentile. I took the test on August 4th. Disappointed a little but it's still a really good score, so whatever. If it were any more below the ranges I'd feel like starting an OccupyGRE movement...
  3. Thanks for the advice. Ia lso emailed some departments and found that at least three I am applying to take the highest score from each section even if on different days, which would give me a 1420. And on the math prof, I'm not plannning on doing heavy formal theory but was just wondering on whether having someone like that write for more methods heavy schools would be good.
  4. I'm applying for PhD programs for Fall 2012 in American Politics (Congress, Elections). I want to go to a top program, top 20 for sure and top 10 if possible. My first question: Should I take the GRE again? I took it twice before. The first time I got in the high 500s on verbal and the high 700s for quant. The second time I got in the mid 600s on verbal and the low 700s on quant. But I got the same overall scoreboth times- I basically transferred 60 points from quant to verbal and kept the same composite (1360). Is this too low for top programs. I know it won't help me a lot, but will it exclude me? I feel like my biggest weakness on verbal, analogies and antonyms, is not going to be on the new test. So I was considering one last hurrah to try for a boost. Is this a good idea? Oh, my AW is a 5.5. Second Question: How are my Stats for programs I am interested in (planning to apply to about 10 of the top 20, plus a few schools below that for backup) UG School: LAC in the US News 20-35 range. GPA: Mid 3.8s (above 3.9 after first year) GRE: see above Research Exp.: Worked for Regional/ State polling firm for two summers, Research Assistant at a Top 6 over the summer, Intern at a DC policy think tank helping with research. Wrote junior honors thesis, writing senior honors thesis. Presented Research at Conference Poster Session. LORs: Prof I was a Research Assistant for at top 6, Political scientist I intern for at think tank, professors at school who I worked with for honors. Also, for quant-leaning programs is it appropriate to have a math department professor write a letter? I got one of the highest, if not the highest class in the stats class I took last semester and wrote two papers for the class that were social science oriented that went very well. Math: A in stats, took AP Calc in HS, Going to take Calc II and Advanced Stats next school year, Some of my research was also very quant oriented. Chances? Suggestions? Advice? Schools I should avoid or definitely apply to?
  5. Does anyone have any remote idea how to convert the new scores into old scores or the other way around? I'm thinking of taking the test again since I think I'll do better on the new verbal because of no more analogies (yesss!!) but I have no idea if my practice test scores are better or worse. Will the quant still be weighted to the top of the scale???
  6. That's what I am thinking. I will have my Stats grade by that time.
  7. @RWBG- Calc II is not a year long- but I only have one spot open in my next semester (fall of next year). This is the last semester admit committees will see. I have already taken intro micro and macro econ. If I took an econ course it would be some sort of application of econ to a topic in public policy.
  8. @RWBG- I'm thinking about applying to some quant leaning programs such as Michigan and WashU but not doing methods as a main field of work. I want to study American Politics- Congress and Elections to be specific. (esp. Congressional Elections!) @veracious_star- I took the GRE and got a 780 on the Quant. Sadly my verbal scores was a bit lacking. So I need to take it again. Hope I can keep the quant while improving the verbal!! Overall I'm leaning towards taking Calc II at the very least (don't have room for both Calc and Econ), but still deciding.
  9. OP Here: Do you think that there is a math "threshold" to be admitted and/or successful in non-formal methods American politics research (eg. calc of some level.) Also, is it useful to take non-econometrics econ courses?
  10. A year away from me being as nervous as all of you! The story of math being an important skill for poli sci seems to grow every year. So I am just curious as to the level of math of those who have been successful and who have not. (Personally I have taken a methods course in my major and am in stats. I took Calc I in HS and have AP credit. I am strongly planning to take Calc II in the fall and Calc III in the spring, may audit linear algebra). Despite this I am nervous about this particular part of my application as I look a year out. I have a survey below... If you don't feel comfortable listing names, perhaps you could list your sucess/failure rate under schools accepted, rejected, waitlisted. (eg. 3/9, 4/9, 2/9 or something like that) MATH Survey Poli Sci Subfield: Math Courses Taken: Schools Accepted: Schools Rejected: Schools Waitlisted:
  11. I'm planning on taking a mid-level statistics class in the math department at my school next semester. The main reasons I am taking it are a.) to learn how to use R and b.)part of the class is an open ended, independent project that could yield a good writing sample. However, a lot of the class really will have little to do with the social sciences. The math department is also notorious for being very difficult to get As and A-s in unless you are very good at math. I view myself as good at math (high gre, good grades in HS) but by no means a genius. I was wondering how app committees would view it if I took the class Pass/D/Fail, an option at my school. ( as opposed to say getting a B+ or B if I took it for a letter grade) For reference, so far I have about a 3.8.overall So far I have taken an intro stats/methods course in the poli sci department. Any advice would be appreciated!
  12. A bit of additional information: Due to requirements for Poli sci, Public Policy, and Environmental Studies, it is either Georgetown OR Methods. Also, I already know that I want to go to graduate school in Political Science. In effect, I really dislike much of practical politics (eg. working on campaigns, most other things that can be done with a BA in Poli Sci, etc.) but really love studying politics (ie. writing papers, reading books, going to class, doing research). Staying at my SLAC would allow 3-4 additional methods/ stats/ calculus course which I would not otherwise get to take. In terms of enjoyment, my enjoyment will come with a nice letter of acceptance in the Spring of '12. I do not plan to forget about grad school until the distant future.
  13. I have some. Five Econ Courses by the end of college (2 so far). I have AP Calc credit from high school.
  14. It is my aspiration to attend graduate school in Political Science, specializing in Congress and or Congressional elections within American Politics. I am also very interested in Public Policy. I am in my second year at a SLAC. I am most interested in attending Duke, Michigan, OSU or UNC. My current GPA is in the mid-high 3.7s. In addition to Political Science I have minors in Public Policy and Environmental Studies (emphasize on policy). For the second semester of next year I am currently debating whether or not to attend the Georgetown off campus study program, which includes a research seminar and the ability to intern, potentially in Congress or in a think tank /etc. doing research on the subject I have so much interest. On the other hand, I could stay at my SLAC and take a methods course, some stats, and calculus. Either way, I plan to participate in my school's honors research program which is 3 semesters long and involves writing two extensive research papers (one as a junior, one as a senior). Which would be better: an extra semester of research and the ability to see my “subjects” firsthand or several methods courses? Either way I will graduate having taken 5 Econ courses and a quantitative Environmental Studies course. I would appreciate some insight as to what grad programs might see in a better light.
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