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Everything posted by claritus

  1. Actually NYU has it publicly available on their website, right here: http://english.fas.nyu.edu/page/leaves.committees#phdadmissions. It's not a common thing to do, by any means, but I don't think it could taint the process like you suggest.
  2. Oh I'm definitely going to end up dropping a few joyous f-bombs if a POI phones me... that and probably cry a little. My logic is that if they care enough to call you, you'd have to do something really bad to mess things up.
  3. Also, to not diverge from the topic: 55. Read the Complete/Collected Works of a poet. I'm working through the recent 1000+ page Adrienne Rich Collected Poems and it is glorious.
  4. Ack, I don't know. As far as I'm concerned Harper was essentially evil, and if you were to drop him into the current American climate he'd fit right in. I mean, he was leader of the Conservatives when they proposed a "barbaric cultural practices" hotline. That alongside Bill-C51, the robocalling scandal, prorogation of parliament, destruction of scientific evidence & cuts to scientific research—I could go on and on. He also set the stage for Trudeau's current evasion of responsibility by pioneering the culture of the total non-answer in the House of Commons... Re. Canadian schools—you would still be eligible for a SSHRC grant, no? As far as I'm aware citizenship or permanent residency is enough for eligibility, and there is pretty significant $$$ at stake. I suppose at this point in time it's not really all that useful, but when postdocs are in question it could be. Your Canadian citizenship will also give you a leg-up when it comes to Canadian jobs, eh.
  5. Oh lord, as a Canadian believe me, Justin Trudeau is not the wonderful dreamboat he is portrayed as. He's currently pushing pipelines through unceded Indigenous territory, accepting political donations from wealthy business people in exchange for meetings, and backsliding on promises he made about electoral reform. He's another dangerous political hack, the only difference is that he's pretty and has mastered the art of hollow "progressive" press-statements.
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