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Everything posted by hectorlopez3100

  1. I just talked to my advisor and there does seem to be one more wave of admissions left. I recommend you to contact to whomever you’re interested in working with and wish for the best!
  2. From what I understand this was the last wave of admissions, mostly made up of international students.
  3. It seems like Northwestern just sent their second and (most likely) second wave of admissions today, for those interested.
  4. No problem! I’m interested in computational materials and soft matter. What about you?
  5. Yes, I received a letter from them on January 26th. Visiting weekend is going to be on the weekend of the 23rd of this month. Hopefully they are still making decisions!
  6. I haven’t but February should be our month because from what I’ve heard visiting weekend is going to be on one of the final weekends of March. Good luck!
  7. I know of someone who applied to Caltech's DMSE and he has not received their decision yet!
  8. Hmmm... from what I've heard (I'm currently working with one of their collaborators on campus) both are extremely busy and usually don't respond to prospective student email's so don't worry about it. Greatest of luck!
  9. Thank you! Yikes, sorry for not being admitted but who knows how the admission process is. I'm pretty sure you will get an invite from Caltech, they usually admit high achieving people. I will continue posting my results in this discussion. I hope you will too. By the way, who would you like to with in Northwestern?
  10. UChicago IME (sorry for not specifying beforehand) and I think we should receive a decision from MIT in the following days. Good luck on your cocky selection.
  11. I received an offer on last Friday (12 January) and I know as a fact that decisions at Northwestern have been made but are just waiting to be uploaded in the near future.
  12. Hello everyone, I've applied for a few PhD programs in materials science and haven't heard from most of them, even though I've seen that others have been notified through the results portion of this wonderful site. So should I just be patient of try to contact the concerning departments? Cheers, Hector
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