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Everything posted by ApplyingToGradSchools

  1. I better get my mail in Kingston today.
  2. Anyone receive any mail from Kingston?
  3. First of all, congrats! I believe you are able to downgrade the award to the fellowship. However, I'm not sure what this means for people who are on the waitlist. I'm somewhat in the same boat. I've been awarded something but I'm not sure what lol (waiting for the mail). And i'm also moving to the US for school, so I have but no option to pursue the fellowship. Does anyone know how SSHRC external funding coincides with a school's funding? Can you just combine both, loose some, decline one, etc.
  4. Has anyone in Kingston received mail yet?
  5. I just received an email from my department that I've received the fellowship. I'm assuming details will be given by mail.
  6. I'm not sure why SSHRC is delaying the announcement of the results since they said they will release them this week.
  7. Both of you make great points as to the randomness of the application process, but I do think such points shouldn't undermine a general predictability concerning the way schools make decisions. Similar to how one can distinguish a grade A paper from a grade B paper, so too can one distinguish different types of applicants from the select pool. For e.g., what makes paper 1 an A paper might be its clarity coupled with an original response, whereas what makes paper 2 an A paper is its organization and its ability to draw upon interdisciplinary research to back up a thought that is not their own. As for the details of the application; the point I was trying to make is that if what one would call a strong (questionable) profile (excluding the GRE scores) cannot getting into a T20, then what else is required? There seems to be something missing, and some of your suggestions have been fit, randomness and more. However, there seems to be reasonable grounds to question that such considerations are the leading factors. Even in this year's applicant pool, there have been individuals who have received multiple offers to many T10 programs. It doesn't seem random. But the question I had initially asked is: what is your take on asking the programs in which one has not been offered admission, for their advice on how you can improve your application? Or what could you have done differently in order to ensure entry into the program?
  8. Hi all, What is your opinion on reaching out to schools (the one's I was not offered admission from) to inquire about how I can improve my application (or what was needed to gain entry). It's odd because I applied to many schools and could not get into any T20 programs. My writing sample has been reviewed by various professors, 3.62 cGPA (3.88 in philosophy major) at a top 10 ranked program, I have strong references letters (some from professors who are in the top 5 most cited philosophers on google scholar), a prestigious scholarship (CGS-M), two years worth of TAships and heavy involvement with the philosophy communities at the schools I've attended, and I'm currently completing my MA. My GRE scores were terrible (154/144/4.5), but could this really have outweighed all other aspects of my application?
  9. Which schools are you applying to and what is your AOI?
  10. That's me. And yes, I heard back today. First round offers have been made, and they are waiting to hear back from prospective applicants.
  11. Congratulations! Would you happen to have anymore info? I'm asking for a friend who really wants to get into this program. Thanks!
  12. Anyone claiming the Queen's acceptance? If so, who contacted you and when?
  13. I've been in contact with U Mich and they will be releasing provisional offers by mid-March. I hope this helps relieve some of the stress and anxiety.
  14. I'm looking forward to hearing from this school.
  15. i got one too lol. i understand that it's upsetting, but don't be too hard on yourself. they have reduced offers this year since there has been a decrease in funding for the program. Also, you've received an acceptance, which is not an easy thing to get. So i'm hopeful for you and hope that you receive many more offers soon
  16. Also accepted to Western.
  17. On the Leiter Report there is a post stating that Harvard has reduced its PhD admissions. Here is the link: http://leiterreports.typepad.com/blog/2017/02/harvard-reducing-phd-admissions-across-the-board.html I'm curious to know if there is any information online stating what the size of the incoming classes for PhD programs will be, or what they were in the past few recent years. Given our willingness to share our responses from programs, this information could be useful in deducing how many spots are left. Also a side note; Timothy O'Connor is leaving Indiana and going to Baylor starting next fall.
  18. When I was applying last year to Canadian MA programs, SFU was always the earliest. Then sometime late February to mid-March came the others such as Western, UBC, UofT, Queen's, etc.
  19. One of the acceptances is in the combined classic/philosophy program and the other in the regular philosophy program.
  20. Woo! Congratulations Has your status changed online? And do you have any more information regarding the acceptance? This is so cool!
  21. i'm with you on that!
  22. Which journals are your works published in?
  23. Could be that they were giving applicants who may be effected by certain politics a chance to apply in light of such news.
  24. Don't worry to much about the GRE. Of course having a higher score is ideal, but in terms of the whole application, it truly comes down to your writing sample (most important and solely in your control), GPA, letters, and your interests aligning with the school's interests. Also most schools hand out acceptances in late February to late March. If this helps, my GRE scores are shit. 154V/144Q (17th percentile lol)/4.5AW. I've heard back from only one school (Miami) and I have been accepted. Plus the relevance of quant in philosophy is not as proximal.
  25. I'm guessing Arizona is going to start calling tomorrow or Thursday (those are the days they've sent out calls in the past).
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