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  • Application Season
    2017 Fall

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  1. So it looks like the offers have gone out. She said that if the offer is not accepted, then they'll contact the next person on the list but that she doesn't have access to that waitlist. They have two weeks to respond.
  2. True true, once I work up the courage ill call in a bit. Ugh. Its just so final.
  3. Soon or never sounds like a pretty good timeframe! Yeah not needing full funding should hopefully open up options. Yeah, I was considering contacting them again today too. It sucks that to get results it can feel like one is being such a bother to those working there.
  4. Ugh same, its so nerve wracking. Hoping you hear good news from UBC. I am in the same boat - trying to figure out what it would mean to apply again next year and what to do in between.
  5. @Liiahhhh you haven't heard anything further from York have you? still nothing for me, I was so hoping we'd hear for sure by now, but i guess maybe not hearing again is a for sure no now? ugh.
  6. aww im sorry that sucks, hope you hear good news from them soon,
  7. haha today would be great, but for my own mental health, im assuming it will be next week. I'm just hoping one of us gets it, so at least the other knows. Because if it's neither of us, it will be just that our applications dont update at all most likely.
  8. Looks like you can see ur status from UCSB here - https://www.graddiv.ucsb.edu/eapp/Login.aspx and UCLA here - https://appstatus.grad.ucla.edu/Account/AppStatus.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2faccount%2flogin.aspx
  9. Haha I assume we will just have to wait until next week. Less than thrilled, but very happy to know it doesn't mean outright rejection.
  10. I just called cause I'm a ball of anxiety and she said that MA offers still hadn't gone out? So, I don't know what that means in this case.
  11. I feel this. Looking at past years in the results section, it looks like this could mean anything from they haven't gotten around to it, to waitlist, or rejection. I guess I'll call on Monday if I haven't heard since they said this week?
  12. My York app still says "No Decision Yet," I wonder why? Hopefully, it will be updated today.
  13. omg congrats! Thats amazing!! I know there's only one spot for international students, so can I ask if you applied as domestic or international?
  14. Haha same! I thought I was about to have that moment when they asked for my name. But, thankfully or rather, not so much, we get to wait through the weekend.
  15. oh my god, I know! I'm really about to. I also just called about something else, and hearing the person on the other line say decisions are done, made my heart jump out of my chest.
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