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Everything posted by magicdonhuang

  1. Washington University in St. Louis has been claimed. Not University of Washington-Seattle as far as I can tell.
  2. A University of Washington-Seattle admit??? Troll?? Per the graduate program assistant initial offers don't go out till next week.
  3. Sitting over here with no acceptances like
  4. If only I were joking...
  5. Don't these schools realize we all need to begin working on saving the republic? Send out those acceptances!
  6. Anybody hear from university of washington - Seattle? When are we expecting?
  7. If anybody got accepted to university of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and is not planning on attending... Tell them soon please! Per DGA, They're not taking any more theory applicants unless they fail to fill the other slots. It's a long shot for me but maybe I am the only one that wants to move to the prairie.
  8. If anybody applied to university of California Santa Barbara, I emailed the department today asking for an update. The reply indicated that decisions would be reached in the next couple days and responses sent out within the week.
  9. Forums were definitely down yesterday. You would think I would take the chance to clear my mind and focus on something else... Nope, just furiously refreshing email inbox and this website... Sigh.
  10. Haha. Well, good on you for all the work you've done. I'm sure it was not a rejection, just a poor decision on their part.
  11. Thanks for the information. If I don't read into it that I'm already rejected, It appears their process is a bit unscripted. Regardless, I think you are in a very good position. UCI is a rising department in a great area with good job placement prospects.
  12. Could you elaborate? Not for any reason other than morbid curiosity.... Did they tell you that your "application" set of a round of continuous laughter in the admissions committee? Did they tell you they threw it in the trash while making jokes with each other about how this person could ever think their credentials qualified them to even apply to the illustrious Brown University?
  13. No interview and no invitation. I have had some contact with the DGA via email about my application which gave me some hope but I'm left to assume the worst since I haven't been invited to the meet at this time.
  14. What are we to make of the Irvine acceptance? The portal doesn't tell me anything at this point and they haven't sent out any emails?
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