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About magicdonhuang

  • Birthday July 16

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    Political Science

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  1. Indeed I got mine on Sunday. It was an email top check portal where I found an extremely short generic rejection letter. Perhaps they have them staggered/rolling?
  2. UW has their visit event later this week. Acceptances went out over a month ago mentioning a very small class of admitted students (10). I would place hope elsewhere at this point.
  3. JHU rejections out
  4. I also have not heard from UCI. They did this to me last cycle as well. Its a safe bet rejection if you haven't heard from them.
  5. They probably programmed it to release all notices on 2/8. My rejection came exactly at 12:01am PST. Pretty funny.
  6. What I had to do two years ago around this time was start thinking about contingency plans. All the places I had applied to where looking like rejects so I scoured around for terminal masters programs that hadn't closed their admissions yet. Luckily, there was one at my Alma Mater that was open and had a pretty good track record of getting their grads into good phd programs or related industry jobs. It ended up being a great (albeit expensive) decision as now my application was more rounded out with a masters + 2 years of pretty focused research. I have an offer from a T25(ish) now and couldn't be happier. That all being said, 2 years of unfunded grad school doesn't make sense for just anybody and there is lots of wisdom out there that suggests those terminal masters are a waste of time. You have to decide for yourself. Long story short, there's nothing you can do about the applications you sent out. It might be helpful to focus on other things/work on backup plans in the meantime. Both your current sanity and your future self will benefit from this approach.
  7. Boulder admits have me nervous... Does anyone know how many they usually admit per cycle?
  8. Feels eerily quiet today
  9. I would be cautiously optimistic that you are on some kind of soft wait list. Or at least made it past the first cut. They sent out a ton of rejections (including one for me) a few days ago.
  10. Sending positive energy everyone's way. Let's get some good news today!
  11. Soon ™
  12. Deep in the process. 2nd cycle for me but now with a Masters degree, conference papers, and a more zeroed in research interest. Hoping for more luck than last time. When is the first application due for everybody? Irvine is first up for me with a Dec 1st deadline.
  13. Right there with you. 'tis only a slight scratch on an already gaping wound. We can only assume a more thorough letter is on its way, I believe in years past they snail mailed an actual letter of rejection.
  14. Just got an email to check the website for UC Santa Barbara. Rejected.
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