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Posts posted by nobraintrain

  1. The procedure with the Secretary of State seems more like Apostille and may not be exactly what you need.

    I would double check with the German school on what specifically they mean by "certified". In many codified law countries "certified copy" is simply a copy with a "True copy" stamp and a signature of the issuing authority's official (school's in this case) or the closest notary public.

  2. I also have additional department funds on top of GTA in one of my offers, so I guess it's not uncommon (although in my case they indicated it on the admission letter). I would double check with both the department and the international office to make sure there is no mistake on your I-20.

    Also, maybe it's just me, but I would be really suspicious about the $11,800 estimate for 12 months. From my experience, schools tend to underestimate the expenses for international students.

  3. I wound still thank them fro whatever assistance/communication you had and also would try to keep at least some links "open". Even if you won't apply there again, it's a small world and there is a chance that you'll meet these people in some capacity later.

  4. Ole Miss undergrad, absolutely hated the place, but mostly for personal reasons. I'll try to be objective, though.


    + mostly warm, no winter, lots of nature trails/hikes around;

    + bars and everything; those who are into blues and country seem to like it;

    + except for housing and nightlife, it's rather cheap;

    + pretty decent (for a small town) in-city bus system, bike lanes, etc.;

    + baseball, football and tailgating, again, if you're into it;


    - again, the location: hellish summer, humidity (although not as bad as in LA or FL). .5 hour to the closest interstate, 1 hour to the mall, 1.5 to the airport, cant get in/out without a car;

    - besides drinking and outdoors, there's not much to do;

    - the rent is too damn high (by Southern standards);

    - large portion of the undergrad population might be quite annoying ("my parents will take care of it" kind of mentality).

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