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Everything posted by Creme_Brulee

  1. Matilda apologized and said it's unlikely that I could get an offer now, despite being waitlisted. I asked why I hadn't heard a single thing from the department regarding my status and she had nothing to say. I'm guessing they just decided to not contact round 2 waitlisted students unless they could hand out an offer or a rejection. I asked where I was on the waitlist and she said she couldn't reveal that information. And nope, I hadn't heard a single thing since I applied in Jan. I kept trying to track someone down and I finally managed to get a hold of them on Monday. Good luck to you. It's been a frustrating application cycle for me in regards to U of T Epi. The other programs I applied to seemed to handle it more smoothly.
  2. I gave them a call this morning. I've been waitlisted, but it seems rather unlikely that I could get in. :/ Good thing I accepted my other offer!
  3. Hm, I recall other people in this thread mentioning that they received rejections from U of T via email earlier on. I received my other rejections a few months ago.
  4. Hm, so shouldn't they have sent out all the rejections? I STILL have not heard a single thing. It's so tiring just waiting.
  5. Epi seems to have been left for last. I did. They didn't get back to me. I might try calling again and seeing if I can get an answer.
  6. They placed you on the waitlist in May? I never received a single email from them since I applied in Jan. Though I applied to Epi.
  7. Any updates from U of T to those in the same boat as me? I just want some sort of reply, even a "no" would be great at this point lol.
  8. I'm still waiting for some sort of response from U of T Epi (haven't heard a single thing so far). I totally understand the frustration.
  9. Ok, good to know. Thanks! I was worried since other programs seem to ask for a deposit earlier on. And glad to hear U of T sent out a waitlist offer. Fingers crossed the rest of us hear back from them this week.
  10. Those of you who accepted Queen's offer, when is the deposit due? I haven't received an email about it, so it seems a little concerning.
  11. That seems likely. I just wish we had some sort of communication from them. Epi was the last stream to send out offers and rejections, so I guess that doesn't help. Which stream did you apply for?
  12. I haven't either. :/ It's so odd. Have we been waitlisted? Is that why we don't know anything?
  13. Did you hear from U of T?!
  14. Anyone have any updates from U of T's Epi program? Those of us that are still "under review?"
  15. Mine is "under review" as well. I think there are a handful of us on this forum that are in this position. Not sure what's going on but it's definitely a little stressful to keep waiting. Have you tried calling or emailing them?
  16. Have they given out all of the official offers? This is all so confusing.
  17. You and I are in the same position. I don't get how U of T is dealing with applicants, tbh. Why have some of us been completely left in the dark? Doesn't make sense.
  18. Yeah, I didn't get an email from Queen's either and I had accepted my offer back in March. Weird... Still waiting for U of T Epi. It's driving me insane having no answers from them.
  19. Anyone hear from U of T this week? The wait is unbearable. I find myself checking this forum and the SGS like mad during breaks at work.
  20. Hm, are they sending out rejections one by one? I still haven't heard anything from U of T; not an offer or a rejection. :S Oh and since someone asked about contacting DLSPH, I sent them an email over a week ago inquiring about my application and they never replied.
  21. I guess most of us are going to hear back from these programs in May...hopefully. The wait is so difficult!
  22. Sorry to hear that. Which stream had you applied for?
  23. I hope this will be the week we'll find out about U of T.
  24. I'm guessing this might only apply to that particular stream? I have yet to hear anyone get into the Epi stream.
  25. One person mentioned getting an offer in this thread. It wasn't the stream I applied to. Fingers crossed for all of us!
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