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  • Application Season
    2017 Fall
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Decaf (2/10)



  1. I haven't seen any Facebook groups for USask yet!
  2. I graduate this year! Started in 2012. I also accepted my offer, so I guess I will see you there! Its super cool that we have similar background and the same interest in zoonotic diseases!!!
  3. I got mine yesterday as well! I think the official letter we get from CGPS will outline what the conditions are. Since I graduate in June, I think my conditions will be that I have to send them official transcripts and proof of degree completion.
  4. Congratulations, guys!! Maybe I will see you there!
  5. Thank you so much!! I hope you get in as well! I think your stats look great! I probably overshared a little bit too much, but I know that all that information is the kind of stuff people want to hear.
  6. I just checked my portal for the University of Saskatchewan and I also got the Department Recommend - Conditional! I assume this means that we will be accepted as long as everything works out okay and the CGPS also agrees to admit us. Since I know some of you will be interested, here are my stats: - Bachelors of Science in Animal Health - Last 2 years (60 credits) GPA: 3.6 - cGPA - ~3.2 - Experience - No direct public health related experience. No research experience. The only work experience I have is working in animal shelters and kennels, as well as with a catering company. I have some experience doing conferences and public speeches/forums - I'm disabled so I speak on my disability at these events. - LOI - I had a really nice prof write a letter for me. The other two were from my bosses at the same catering company (who would have really vouched for me). - Statement of Intent - I wrote a lot about my interest in studying the epidemiology of zoonotic diseases. I genuinely did not think I would get into school anywhere this cycle, so this is a bit of a surprise. I'm fresh out of my undergrad, barely have any experience, and have a good GPA but one that could have been better. Heres what I think sold me as an applicant: - My background in Animal Health and my interest in studying zoonotic diseases. The U of S has a great vet school and they collaborate with the MPH program quite often, so I think this made me a really unique student for the program. - Even though my GPA for the last 2 years was a 3.6 - I had a GPA of 3.9 for my last 3 semesters. Literally got all A's. I decided that this is what I really wanted and put my all into it. - I took 2 courses at U of A's MPH program and did really well in them. I think it showed the admissions committee that I can handle a masters level course load and that I was truly interested in the material. - Really great LOI's. I literally bent over backwards at my catering job (16 hour days and enormous amounts of physical labour for minimum wage) and I think my bosses really appreciated it and gave me excellent letters. Other than that... I don't know. Some of you have really great stats and experience and you get rejected and I am always shocked! It seems like its all just luck. I truly applied with no expectations - I was almost 95% sure that I was going to be rejected, but thought that it couldn't hurt to try. So, don't give up!
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