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Everything posted by Vldksh

  1. Anyone applied to John Jay? Im in the interview process, already had 3 interview sessions and 1 more to go!
  2. I read it several times as well and came to a conclusion that the poor usage of an adverb-"absolutely", in this case-made the sentence confusing as hell. The writer is apparently mocking Harvard by saying that the school didnt have to make such comment since it is so obvious that there are more applicants than admitted students. Ironically, despite the redundancy in Harvard's comment that the writer criticizes, he/she unfortunately makes the same mistake by reiterating (and making it even worse!) what has been said already.
  3. NYU has sent out acceptances, waitlists(I saw one on results board), and rejections (with admission for MA prog.), and I got nothing yet. Feels like a rejection... Just got me thinking, why make us wait longer?? Are they preparing for a heartfelt rejection letter?
  4. That really sucks. I understand your annoyance. The English language admission standard needs to be more clear for sure. I'm an international student and did my 4year undergrad in the US and 1-year masters in the UK, and they have never asked me for TOEFL. Maybe it also depends on where you received your primary and secondary education??
  5. Thank you that is helpful! NYU has sent out acceptances and waitlists (apparently), and my status has not changed. What does it mean in this case? Do i just wait for a rejection?
  6. Anyone wants to claim NYU acceptance?? Congratulations! was it an automated email?
  7. and my inbox is still... empty...TT
  8. This is exactly what this thread needs right now.. *Sobbing*
  9. Four Cornell acceptances posted so far today! Congratulations! How did the e-mail look like?
  10. awww... me too. feeling down. my safety school was not really a safety school after all......
  11. Do programs interview all of the top applicants or just select some of them for interviews? Im just curious if they actually admit people without interviewing them if they have already decided to admit them.
  12. Same here... I just saw the interview results. One said they were arranging for informal phone interviews that are just conversations(?) and I am confused. Is it possible that they are contacting for these informal conversations for the top applicants? If that's the case i guess this an implied rejection for me...TT
  13. did anyone get anything from Yale? does Yale interview all potential admits? I saw that someone got interview request the other day.... nothing for me yet. is this a rejection implied???? T_T
  14. I see that interview process has started for Yale today..... when will i hear from them please God
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