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haunted cornfield

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Posts posted by haunted cornfield

  1. Had a 15 minute interview with a assistant professor at UO-Eugene. - Six questions were asked, but I cannot remember all of them now...was so nervous and don't remember what all I said. These quick phone interviews are rough for a first timer. - You can read a person so much better face to face. 

    -Why UO-Eugene?

    -How would your art evolve there?

    -What artists are you looking at right now? 

    -Explain XXXX piece of your submitted artwork. (He add obviously read my application very well and had thought about my work.) 

    -What questions do you have for us? - I asked about financial aid (not sure if I regret it or not. Make sure you practice it / I sounded rude I think.) 

  2. 15 hours ago, charoarte said:

    Who knows what percentage of interviewers get in ? How many painters are in each upcoming semester ? For hunter that is...  it’s my dream school I can’t pass this opportunity #freakingouttillmarch10

    I also would like to know rough averages of those who interview vs those who get into their programs

  3. 14 hours ago, Makerak said:

    Hey I have an interview from Art & Tech, they didn't say to explicitly say to prep for the interview but from the emails it is suggested it is a critical component; so prep is definitively expected. They don't require you to bring artwork because possibly they have all of it in SlideRoom, but where did you get the impression should don't need to prepare for the interview? That confuses me – unless they are already set on giving you an offer. If that, congrats!

    I emailed admissions to find out more, I too can trying to be prepared as much as possible. This was the response I received: 

    "Your interview will be a short conversation (about 15-20 minutes) with three faculty members from the School of Art, but I will not be able to tell you who those people will be until the day of the interview. There is nothing you need to bring or prepare in advanced."
  4. On 2/11/2018 at 7:43 PM, ackno said:

    Check your promotional folders folks -- my CalArts interview invite from 3 days ago was sitting there.

    What program at CalArts are you invited to interview for? - I am going to their interview day on March 8th, interesting that we were told we don't need to bring artwork/ prepare for the interview - maybe see you there!

  5. 27 minutes ago, quickpic said:

    just got an interview for Cranbrook in the photo MFA program. for anyone whose been through this before is this unusual? i thought they were one of the few non-interview schools... maybe they are changing that this year? also anyone heard from CalArts yet?

    I got the email Monday about being Invited to Interview March 8th for CalArts Photo and Media MFA

  6. 4 minutes ago, ackno said:

    Speaking from no authority other than knowing someone who once taught at SAIC Film/Video, I've heard that they are an "Accept many, offer scholarships to few" type of program. He told me the interview is mostly a 'get to know you' thing. And I imagine a 'make sure you're not an asshole' thing. So not to get any hopes up since maybe things have changed since he's been there and I'm not sure entirely how well adjunct faculty have a concept of admissions particulars anyway, but for Film/Video at least it seems like he's telling me Interview invites (can) bode well for acceptances.

    my hopes are kinda up now. thanks for the insight. 

  7. 1 hour ago, leafyinhaling said:

    Hi all,

    Does anyone know if UCLA send interview invites at all. Or there is just a phone call?
    I emailed them several days before and got a feedback today saying my result will be out in mid-march. I wondered if that means I am not invited to the interview and I will be receiving my rejection letter in mid-march. Totally freaking out...

    I keep checking my application status at   app.grad.status.edu   - it says to not expect results until Mid-March, yikes, scary to wait more...

    Screen Shot 2018-02-06 at 9.29.52 PM.png

  8. Got an email for an interview at CalArts for March 8th

    Like Yale, among others, CalArts requires a in-person interview, anyone know anyone who has gone through this mandatory in-person interview, I barely have the money to fly/stay in Valencia, CA for one day. Skype Interviews are given in exceptional circumstances, does not having the money count as such? 

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