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Posts posted by peanutjellyfish

  1. I would say Carnegie Mellon is unique in that it has a PhD program specifically for NLP-related things. Try looking into some Information Schools with faculty who do NLP (UMichigan, Berkeley, Cornell, etc) and Data Science programs (e.g. NYU) that may have programs that aren't regular CS. 

    Edit: Stanford Linguistics and University of Maryland Linguistics are also unusually heavy in computational research. 

  2. How unusual is it for someone to apply to CogSci PhD programs with a research background in artificial intelligence/data science? How should I ask for recommendation letters if my strongest ties are to faculty in Computer Science? I'm mostly interested in computational models of behavior, language processing, decision making, etc. 

    My BS is cogsci but since I focused more on the computational side during my undergrad, I feel like I might have more knowledge gaps than someone from psychology or neuroscience. I'm a bit hesitant to try for a MA/MS program first since I'm already pursuing a MS in computer science, and I'd really like to jump into some PhD soon. 

    Edit: Edited the title since "CS" can stand for both computer science and cognitive science, haha. 

  3. 8 hours ago, HHKB said:

    I'll have a skype call this week. I really hope to go there in summer..How can  I prepare for the interview? Would you mind giving me some advice for the upcoming interview?

    Read or skim the professor's papers beforehand and know your own projects well. 

    I'm so excited to be in Lausanne this summer. 

  4. Interview request for me was simply a request to set up a skype call. 

    The call went well! We talked about our research interests, my background, the lab's research plans. 

    Will hear back next week (obviously since deadline for decision is next Sunday) on decision. 

  5. Don't lose hope! My lab of interest told me they had just gotten to my application, so it means they're still going through everything. I agree with touchwood that each lab is at a different point in the decision making process. People in the past have been accepted around March 4 without any interview, too.

  6. Yeah, it seems like mostly I'll have to rely on professors referring me to various connections. I've asked several professors about this already, and only one was willing to help me out. A lot of the responses I got implied they would be more willing to refer me to other research groups outside of my institution if I were their PhD student. If I stay here, I need to somehow fund my work since a lot of the grants offered by my institution are for undergrads. I spoke with some other students and they suggested that I either delay my undergrad graduation (to be eligible for funds) or TA a class over the summer for $$. 

  7. I'm currently on track to do a MSCS at Stanford. It's a "coterm", where you work towards a masters while I finish my bachelors. Doing this MS will result in me staying here for an extra fifth year, where I can pay for tuition via TAships. 

    However, several CS professors at other institutions have encouraged me to apply for a PhD right now. Should I do this or stay here that extra year for my MS and then apply? If I apply now, I might get in some schools. Stanford has such great opportunities for me to really solidify my research interests, but I don't know if it's weird for me to pass up favorable-ish chances at a PhD elsewhere. Will I be burning bridges with these potential future advisors if I say "no thanks for now"? 

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