I was very excited to get into my 1st choice PhD Psychology program, and was under the assumption that I would be in a specific professor's research lab (I mentioned this many times throughout my interview, was personally interviewed by them, and my MA thesis/previous years of research experience was the exact same material as this lab). After confirming my acceptance, I was notified by this professor that this lab did not have funding for a new graduate student.
I just received my assignment for my graduate assistantship, and the professors have no similarities with my research interests, as far as I can tell. Will my dissertation be advised by these professors? Or will I have a different dissertation supervisor? (The professor I was hoping to work with did offer to help me with my dissertation, but it is very unclear in what capacity). I am disappointed that I will not be involved in the research I was expecting (trying to be open minded to new experiences...). I will feel MUCH better if I am just working for these professors, and will be able to conduct the research that I am interested in. Can someone please explain to me how this might work? Or how it works at other schools?
Thank you in advance!