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Everything posted by fallmpp2010

  1. i am in a similar situation. i was initially leaning toward GSPP but I have recently changed my mind. After doing the cost analysis, the difference is approx $25k for me, which isn't as much as I thought it would be to uproot my life to CA from the east coast. Another point is that the GSPP tuition is going to rise. At the open house, Martha said it would rise approximately 15% over last year but the numbers won't be made official until July. That is a pretty large increase especially if it rises another 15% the second year. I think most schools increase their tuition by 4-5% each year. That being said, it seems fairly easy to get a GSI position at GSPP in your second year which would cover most costs. its a tough decision but good choices to have... !
  2. hey stan, i am about 70% sure i'll be at gspp in the fall and will be at the open house next week! thanks for the information below. the salary info seems standard as far as a MPP degree goes, but the average debt is much lower than other schools coming out...def a big plus factor. see you on wednesday!
  3. Just how competitive is it to secure a TA or PA position as a masters student while you are at Columbia? I've heard from 2 people so far that they are pretty competitive. At the other school I am considering, it seems relatively easy....
  4. Thanks everyone. Green Diplomat - can you send over the GSPP employment stats when you receive them? That would be very helpful. Ah decisions ! Regardless, I will be visiting all three schools. I am really hoping I will fall in love with one school while visiting
  5. Hi, Did any of you guys get your financial aid/loan packages yet? Just wondering when SIPA is sending those out...
  6. hi pea-jay, i'm wrestling with the same questions right now. I understand the draw to a prestigious school when it comes to an MBA or JD. The debt will be justified by the salary you'll be making when you come out. When it comes to a MPP/MPA, that isn't the case. The median salary for SIPA graduates is not very encouraging considering you'll be paying a little less than a Columbia MBA. That being said, I do agree with fellow posters...people (especially in professional sectors) love brand names. i am also uncertain whether i should be paying an extra $50K for a name... i think the best thing to do in these situations is apply for as much funding as you can for the second year and hope for the best...
  7. here's the deal: 1. Berkeley Goldman MPP - No Funding 2. Columbia SIPA MPA - No Funding 3. Syracuse Maxwell MPA - 40% Funding Right now, I am leaning more towards columbia or berkeley for a number of reasons. I like their program offerings better and i feel that i need internship experience before i start working. I am interested in a social/economic policy. Columbia will cost the most (an additional $50k). Even as an out of state student, Berkeley will be cheaper than Columbia. I hope to eventually work somewhere on the east coast (NY or DC). Syracuse will be roughly half the cost of Berkeley which makes sense since its a one year program. Any thoughts? I threw Syracuse in there because I am interested to hear about that program, but I'm mainly interested in Columbia vs. Berkeley. Does Berkeley Goldman have good recognition on the east coast? If i'm deciding between Berkeley and Columbia is it fair to say they are pretty even? Is Berkeley more quantitative than SIPA? any advice is greatly appreciated. thanks all !
  8. hi socal, i didn't hear about this option to TA the second year for goldman...can you elaborate? is it available to any goldman student (assuming they maintain a certain gpa etc)? i was just factoring in the cost reduction since i can apply to be a CA resident second year...which it sounds like i wouldn't have to do if this TA thing was an option..
  9. hey...for those still waiting...i just heard back today and was accepted without funding i was excited...until i saw the cost anyone know how seriously to take the reputation of sipa as a "cash cow" i know it's still a great school but how do you think that affects outside perceptions in terms of hiring etc...?
  10. hi, thanks for the advice...reading this forum is very helpful! if I wanted to find some off campus housing with other grad students, is the best way to do this craigslist? i'm from the east coast and don't know anyone from the area so I would ideally like to live with other grad students in a house/apt... also...when should i start looking? i have a trip planned to wine country in May and was wondering if its feasible to swing by berkeley for a few days and figure out housing...think may is too early?
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