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Everything posted by Gabi

  1. I found the answers in the faq if anyone's interested https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2012/nsf12062/nsf12062.pdf 1. on changing labs it only matters if you change majors/minors not if you change labs, see below for examples 56. I am a Continuing Fellow; may I switch degree programs from electrical engineering (minor FOS) to systems engineering (minor FOS)? This is a minor FOS change and is subject to the approval of the CO, using the GRFP FastLane Module. 57. I am a Continuing Fellow; may I change degree programs from computer engineering (major FOS) to computational biology (major FOS)? This is a major change in FOS and constitutes a "change in scope" - one that alters the program to the extent that it is significantly different from that originally submitted with the Fellowship Application. Such changes require the prior written approval of the CO and NSF. Using the GRFP FastLane Module for submission, a change-in-scope request requires significant and compelling justifications for approval. 2. on changing institutions 64. I am a new Fellow; may I change my proposed graduate institution? Yes. Please note that the new proposed institution must be approved by NSF and is subject to the aforementioned institutional eligibility requirements (e.g., US, accredited, etc.). A Change Request is submitted by the Fellow and approved by the CO at the new GRFP Institution, and by NSF. It is the Fellow's responsibility to arrange for admission to the institution in a manner that allows the Fellow to meet relevant NSF deadlines 66. I am a Continuing Fellow; may I transfer graduate institutions? Yes. Please note that the new proposed institution must be approved by NSF and is subject to the aforementioned institutional eligibility requirements (e.g., US, accredited, etc.). A Change Request is submitted by the Fellow and is approved by the COs at the current and at the new GRFP Institution, and by NSF. It is the Fellow's responsibility to arrange for admission to the institution in a manner that allows the Fellow to meet relevant NSF deadlines. Any additional changes to FOS, degree program, etc. may also require additional approvals. 67. I am planning to change institutions; may I have a break in enrollment? When transitioning from one GRFP Institution to another, Fellows should not plan to have a significant break in enrollment. Full-time engagement in a graduate research program is expected; therefore, any break exceeding one month requires prior NSF approval. Enrollment breaks between graduate programs or GRFP Institutions exceeding three or more months are generally not approved, and if approved, may require forfeiture of Stipend payments. 68. At what point in time during the year may I transfer between institutions? There is no specific time designated for this action. However, such transfers should be judiciously planned to ensure all approvals are obtained in a timely manner and Fellowship policies are followed. Fellows should keep in mind that a significant break in enrollment may not be approved; Stipend payments may be forfeited; etc. The Fellow must submit a Tenure Change Request to NSF.
  2. Yeah I'm thinking about the taxes also! May have to put it in a savings account and never forget that I will have to pay taxes in the future Also... side question, has anyone ever heard of a second year getting the award and taking the award to another lab within the institution, or another institution altogether? asking for a friend... lol
  3. omg i got it!! second year grad E/VG/E VG/VG/E
  5. I just called and they said "we only know that it should be early april, sorry."
  6. I spent some time doing research in Germany and met a few students who had not scored "high enough" to be considered fit to pursue college and graduate school. As a result they had to enter trade schools after middle school (one was matched as an assistant) and fight to be eligible for scientific education which is what the student eventually did. The student mentioned a lot of people from poor backgrounds were much more likely to be shuffled to trade schools that did not provide large opportunities to advance. I'm not saying trade schools are not a good idea at all, but I think pointing to Germany as a good example should not ignore the fact that the consequences of that may lead to socioeconomic problems. Additionally, yes our current method of education will not fix socioeconomic problems and also leads to people being in very high debt. I thus agree that the methods of funding regarding education in higher ed in the US are just as much of a problem, and that having trade schools be an option discussed in education is important. I just wanted to point out that the potential consequences of the German paradigm.
  7. My PI asked me today when I should be hearing back from the nsf about this and I told him how I am following some nsf grfp threads and he told me, oh trust me I know the feeling of constantly refreshing fastlane. I just sent him this meme lol I have no idea how he'll reply but I appreciate your efforts in making it!
  8. It says http://www.ndsegfellowships.org/application "Graduate Record Exam Score (GRE) general test only. We need official scores from ETS. Please use GRE CODE 2525."
  9. It says upload your resume, but do they mean CV? There is no other location to put honors, awards, presentations, and publications.
  10. If you save and submit, you can edit it after. That is what I have been doing. They only consider it submitted if it is past the deadline.
  11. Can you change the resume you upload once you create your application? I have been holding off on making the application because I need to modify my resume. Thanks!
  12. I got a response to the security question "The application link is secure. Your server is probably referencing the website because is does not have the SSL security which would make the link have the “Https” instead of the “http”. However, our website is secure, and the application is on a totally different server altogether to meet government restrictions, so it is secure."
  13. Has anyone made an application through the application link? I have not and am wondering also if they changed the format of the application as the description of it seems to suggest. I also do not want to input my information in the website due to the security issue.
  14. I just looked on the FAQ page https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2017/nsf17123/nsf17123.jsp#q47 "47. Should I put my name, the statement title, and page numbers in the margins on the statements? Applicants do not need to add their name or any other identifying information to their statements. Therefore, it is not necessary to fit your name, the statement title, or page numbers on the statements, either within or outside the margins. However, it is fine to submit an application with your name or similar identifying information in the 1" margins, as long as the identifying information does not contain meaningful statement content." Looks like it is okay to do so.
  15. What is everyone doing about headers or page numbers? Some past winners told me to add them but do they provide value and is it okay if they are within those 1" margins?
  16. Hey I am also a 2nd yr grad. I would be interested in helping edit if you are still interested. I think it is a good idea, my field is biomedical engineering, but I am sure another perspective is generally good to have. You can email me your materials at shull025@umn.edu. I'll send you mine as well. I know it is very soon to deadline so I can try to reply within the week. - Gabi
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