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  1. @C_Raymond You may want to check this out. https://medium.com/@aufar.di.sini/policy-and-policy-related-terminal-master-program-with-high-chance-of-full-funding-fd242bc37e7 If you plan on doing PhD after graduation, TPP is the best option, it is a research based program. Student usually works as research assistant for 2 years, and it is not uncommon for TPP students to publish in peer-reviewed journal. And also, the relationship that you build with your academic advisor is stronger, because you will work closely with him/her for 2 years. There are quite a few TPP alumni who become faculty at MIT ( Alexandre Jacquillat, Valerie Karplus, Danielle Wood, Dava Newman, etc.) Hope this helps.
  2. Congrats @ung!!!! Enjoy the program. Well, I guess that is it for me. They will send the rejection letter in the next 2 weeks, I suppose all the admission offers have been sent, if pattern from the last few years is to be used as reference. Unless of course, they put on the wait list. Anyway, how is your other application going?
  3. Hi All, Haven't seen any thread dedicated to TPP 2018 yet. So if anybody has any news, please let me know. Regards,
  4. Hi All, I am interested to apply for a master program in public policy, preferably with STEM designation, so that it allow me more time to work in the US. I am aware of program such as MIT TPP and Columbia MPA-ESP. Do you guys, any other program with similar nature? Regards, Johnny456&
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