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Everything posted by sms1023

  1. Does Princeton do interviews? When I reached out to POI she said she only speaks with students who have been admitted. Anyone heard anything?
  2. Heard zero things! Does anyone know if they do interviews?!
  3. Probably! I’ve noticed some pickup with the results page with interviews etc…
  4. I don’t think every program has interviews. I only applied to three and only one has interviews as far as I know!
  5. Update: I’ve had two interviews (one with director of admissions for dept. and one with POI). The questions they asked were largely: what are your research interests, what do you intend to pursue professionally, etc.. much of the conversation surrounded my questions. I asked about the sense community in the department, financial opportunities/support, teaching fellowships, and typical time for students to complete PhD.
  6. I don't really know what to ask or what to expect from departmental interviews for PhD programs, so I thought this might be a good thread for those who have experience interviewing and/or want to post some examples of questions they have come up with for respective departmental interviews. Some things that I would ask given past experiences in my MA program: - Are there many opportunities for interdisciplinary study in the PhD program? Working with professors outside the department to supplement research? - What types of research opportunities are available to PhD students in this department? - Could you describe the teaching fellowship in detail? Are introductory level courses the only available Teaching Assistantship positions? - For PhD students entering with an MA in the field, is there an accelerated track for completion of the program? Is this advisable? - What types of support (financial, professional, etc...) does the department offer their students? - Is there a designated career officer in the department that assists students with future placements? These are just some questions that I have come up with but I would be interested in seeing if others have any questions they bring to interviews OR, for those who have interviewed, what questions were you asked??
  7. Do you know which programs those were? Thanks!
  8. Has anyone heard about interviews at all? I'm not sure what to expect, I've heard from some friends that their program didn't have interviews, but reading through last years thread- seems like quite a few have! I've applied to 3 PhD programs. The wait is the worst!
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