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Posts posted by Vivec

  1. 11 hours ago, LORDBACON said:

    Thanks Vivec!  Was looking like a shutout but I'm glad I decided to dig extra deep to fund the process.  It sounds like a neat city, and the department is a great fit for me.  I love how much Heidegger and Nietzsche (and a lot else) they have going on.  What was your sense about metaphysics and epistemology from your experience in the department?  They seem fairly inclusive across the a/c divide from what I see so far.

    If you like Heidegger and Nietzsche, you'll probably really enjoy what the department has to offer. Professor Rayman does a lot of neat work w/ Nietzsche, and Professor Braver is particularly focused on Heidegger and continental thought writ-large. Metaphysics and epistemology are big topics, though due to the composition of the faculty, I'd say we have a continental slant with metaphysics/ethics, and an analytic slant with our work in epistemology, due in part to faculty composition. We've also got an incredible talent in Professor Ariew for early modern history of philosophy.

    Fun anecdote about our epistemology stuff - I had a chance to take what is probably the best capstone course ever: "On Truth and Bullshit", and it lived up to its name.

    The city is...pretty great actually (minus the heat). While I was growing up here I literally never thought I'd say that, but it's come into its own. The area around campus on the other hand is less than fantastic, but once you spend some time around it, it's not too bad. Also, if you're not a hockey fan yet, you'll probably wind up becoming one if you stay too long - it's pretty much the only sport we have left. 

    Oh, and go to Tampa theater at some point. Definitely the coolest cinema in the southeast. They show cheesy 80's movies and cult classics pretty often - I actually caught a showing of David Lynch's Dune about a month ago. 

  2. 3 hours ago, LORDBACON said:

    gods be praised, I have received a generous funded offer with TA stipend from University of South Florida.

    I do not know, but I've solicited a response from them.  USF is pretty strong in medieval so maybe they liked my mystical rant in the SOP.  Thanks for making that connection for me; substantial interest in medieval is common to the depts who've responded positively to me so far. 

    Congratulations on getting accepted to USF! I've had the pleasure of taking some of their cross-listed courses as an undergrad and found them to be very rewarding. If you do decide to go with USF, feel free to ask me if you have any general questions about the city/area.

  3. What do you think is the best way to go about soliciting application feedback from departments?

    I was wondering how best to reach out to universities in order to minimize the intrusion and maximize the possibility of getting useful information. (e.g., do you consider it better to write directly to the department, or instead to the graduate admissions office? Do you have opinions as to the best time to ask for feedback? etc, etc.)

    At this point I'm planning on a second admissions cycle, and even if I get accepted somewhere last minute, I'd like to open the discussion for any lurkers who may be facing a shutout in the next few weeks.


  4. 3 hours ago, LORDBACON said:

    That's one way to look at it.  Being 0/8 so far this season I look at this potential failure as an opportunity to hone in on a few departments and get deeply familiar with the work of some people I'd be thrilled to study with... read their books and get involved with the convo etc.  I don't think it could hurt to communicate an interest in studying to a potential advisor.  That way they'll at least know who you are when you bring their name up in your statement of purpose the next time.  My sense is to get into a department that way on the 2nd or 3rd try would be ideal compared to accepting a 1st round offer from a dept that inspires lukewarm sentiments. 

    Well said. I'm getting neatly flogged this season, but I do feel like I've discovered countless ways to improve for the next attempt - and how to better size up programs in terms of fit and faculty.

    With all of that said, tomorrow never knows!  I, personally, am counting on the possibility that a hung-over Columbia acceptance committee mistakenly admits me instead of someone talented and driven.


  5. 26 minutes ago, lyellgeo said:

    Yes, I got the UChicago MAPH email as well. Kind of disappointing, as I made it through to the interview process (the structure of which was a little unorganized, and more stressful on me than a blanket rejection would have been), but it was still a helpful learning experience. 

    If you don't mind me asking, could you go into a little more detail about the interview? I was under the impression when applying that interviews for Philosophy PhD's were somewhat uncommon, if not outright rare.

  6. 8 hours ago, philosobro said:

    What were some of your guys writing sample on?

    Political implications of Heidegger's attributes of Dasein. I.E. how the Authentic-Inauthentic axis gives way to a 'preferable' political position, and the sorts of challenges this produces.

    I also included a second (auxiliary) sample in some applications from my political science work, talking about International Law and National Populism.

  7. It's funny (and great) seeing the subgroup of hopeful philosophers that looks so similar to myself. Echoing some of the posters in this thread, I love how diverse the research interests are.

    I was also a double major Phi/Polisci, and my main area of focus was actually anti-rationalism, political identity, and political violence. To oversimplify, I am interested in the questions "How do we form political identities if we must bridge given cultural characteristics alongside more deliberated values" and "To what extent is our preference for certain political values malleable in response to facts in the world?" The end goal would be discussing how best to safeguard human liberty and dignity in an increasingly dissolute political reality.

    The main thinkers I interacted with for my work in philosophy were Heidegger and Arendt, and I used a modified version of my thesis on Heidegger as my writing sample. (The thesis discussed Heidegger's Dasein concept and argued that it contained an authentic-inauthentic axis that could give way to a political position). I also spend a decent amount of time reading and discussing Military Ethics, which I find particularly rewarding.

    I applied to a mess of programs in both Political Philosophy and Political Theory (ultimately leaning much more towards philosophy),from a perspective that I started an academic hybrid, and a hybrid I will likely remain. I was very open about my mixed interests to all programs I applied to, and in any Phi program that allows it, I hope to pick up an M.A. in polisci along the way.

    My 'dream' program is Brown. I'm optimistic...in the way that I'm sure it won't hurt too bad when I get rejected. I have pretty good GRE scores (98th percentile in verbal and AW), but I come from a mediocre large school in the southern US, and I know that'll count against me somewhat. B)

    Philosophy Programs: Harvard (lol), Columbia (also lol), Brown, Chicago, University of Pennsylvania, Georgetown, UNC Chapel Hill, Vanderbilt

    Political Science Programs (All Theory track): Harvard, Michigan, Cornell, University of Virginia

    To answer OP's question about exciting trends: I would say the emerging ideological adaptations to globalization. There's so much going on at the very bedrock level of individual political identities and we're looking at one of the most exciting (maybe even vertigo-inducing) times of political development in history.

    Also, to the OP and everyone in this thread, best of luck on the applications! I have no idea what I'm doing with all of this, and I'm not afraid to admit it, so let that give you some confidence!



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