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Everything posted by NasrinGavidel

  1. I got 3 rejection !I am really really sad! I have 4 more hope get one at least!
  2. finally I got rejection from Purdue with out any reason!!! Just update website and wrote it is denied and we cannot say why!
  3. It means that I will never get acceptance because my GPA is 3.0 but I have Pharm Degree not BS or MS. and it is really difficult in pharmacy program to have high GPA
  4. Finally Purdue release results. Has any one got acceptance in Biochemistry Track in Purdue?
  5. Hi everybody and congratulation to whom get acceptance, Could anyone let me know until when I can have hope to get good news? I am international and any grad school that I contacted they answered your application in under review!!!
  6. Good and best wishes for you! I didnot hear anything ,I sent an email but they didnot answer yet! my status still awaiting!!
  7. which Program did you apply?
  8. Hi every body! I am new in gradcafe and Thanks God you are here to help me calm down! I have applied 7 PhD program in Chemistry and Bio medicine but no result! ( Purdue, Pitts, Northeastern, Rutgers, ESF, UIC(Medicinal Chemistry) and Cleveland state uni! I see people get interview email or skype email and it is really disappointing!!!I am international,Should I wait more or this mean I don't have chance to get position?
  9. Hi every body! I am new in gradcafe and Thanks God you are here to help me calm down! I have applied 7 PhD program in Chemistry and Bio medicine but no result! ( Purdue, Pitts, Northeastern, Rutgers, ESF, UIC(Medicinal Chemistry) and Cleveland state uni! I see people get interview email or skype email and it is really disappointing!!!I am international,Should I wait more or this mean I don't have chance to get position?
  10. Ohhh I am really sorry ! Thanks for help! Sorry
  11. Hi every body! I am new in gradcafe and Thanks God you are here to help me calm down! I have applied 7 PhD program in Chemistry and Bio medicine but no result! ( Purdue, Pitts, Northeastern, Rutgers, ESF, UIC(Medicinal Chemistry) and Cleveland state uni! I see people get interview email or skype email and it is really disappointing!!!I am international,Should I wait more or this mean I don't have chance to get position?
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