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  1. No. The waitlist notification said if we don't hear back by mid-August then it's safe to assume that all spaces have been filled.
  2. I think most ppl applied to more than one university, but there are a few, including myself that only applied to OISE. I applied with the same mindset. I am also an alumna and I thought why not get a masters instead of bachlors. Anyways, as sad and frustrating as it is that we were made to wait so long only to be put on a waitlist, it's kinda relieving that we won't be made to pay a ridiculous fee. I think they get away with the high fee because they are charging for a bachlor and masters degree together.
  3. One more week guys then it's all over...sigh
  4. That really is discouraging. If you dont mind me asking, who did you get this info from? I emailed the head and they said ppl on waitlist are being contacted as space becomes available and not many ppl are turning down offer of admission. They also said if we don't hear by mid-August the safe to assume that no space is left. So sad!?
  5. I also got waitlisted on the 11th for P/J. No news yet
  6. We still have untill mid of August, but honestly I am also loosing hope.
  7. Any update?
  8. Congratulations! Better than rejection, I guess... Jules24 and I have been trying to figure out the answer to this question for the past few weeks and so far, from what we know, no one has been accepted yet. Maybe after all decisions are sent out, they will start accepting ppl on waitlist.
  9. I feel the same!
  10. Any update?
  11. Hello Jackson8918, I looked at the page you linked above for p/j and from what I understand 385 ppl were offered admission of which 175 accepted and 173 actually attended. Is that correct? Does that mean we have a chance? Can anyone offer any useful information?
  12. For all those waitlisted, has anyone been accepted?
  13. I got an email to check my status online
  14. I have been waitlisted ?
  15. When did you apply?
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