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  1. Thank you! That was super helpful. The notification letter came via GSAS and was signed by the Dean for Admissions and Finance Aid. I should be writing to the DGS of my program right? Could you also tell me a bit more about what you mean by waitlist being flexible? Sorry, first time applicant here!
  2. Hi folks, so I have been waitlisted for one of my top choices. Typically, by when do these things become clearer? Is it okay to write to the grad admissions coordinator and ask about these details?
  3. @gnossienne n.3's post might be helpful. As for the Job market it would depend on which of the two you are associating yourself with. Like @psstein said, are you an Latin Americanist with a focus on medicine or a historian of medicine with a focus on Latin America. History departments in general might offer you broader training in the area of your study as opposed to HoS where you might be asked to read extensively with a thematic focus in a number of regional areas. The visits will help in making the decision, don't shy away from asking graduate students about the respective History/ HoS departments. All the best.
  4. I have seen a number of posts on the 2018 applicant thread about History of Science programs so I wanted to start a thread for those of us applying to programs under the History/Philosophy/Sociology of Science, Technology, and Medicine. What are your interests? Which programs have you applied to/ heard back from/considering? For those already pursuing these, what are some of the best departments?
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