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Everything posted by MishaPanda

  1. Any news anyone? I’ve very amazingly received another acceptance, to Queen Mary University of London’s Drama PhD program. I thought I’d settled on the Shakespeare Institute before, but now I’m not feeling as sure. Living in London seems preferable to me to living in Stratford, but I suppose there are other considerations as well. My potential supervisor at The Shakespeare Institute has been much more responsive in our communications, and I’m worried that the lack of responsiveness from the one at QM is a red flag I should heed...
  2. Hello All, Last year I applied to a few Philosophy programmes to no avail. This year I've decided to go back to my BA roots and do theatre/drama. I've applied mainly to international programmes and have two results to report so far: Accepted without funding to PhD Theatre Studies at Victoria University of Wellington (NZ). I have declined this offer, as I've decided it's just too far away! Plus it seems untenable without funding... Accepted to PhD Shakespeare Studies at The Shakespeare Institute, Stratford Upon Avon (University of Birmingham). No word yet on funding...but I feel hopeful. And in all likelihood, I'll accept this offer. Still waiting on a couple others... Good luck to everyone!
  3. Dear All, Yesterday I received a response from my solicitation to Prof Sensen at Tulane. I have not been accepted there, which means that I have been shut out this season. I reckon I should have cast my net a bit wider, as I only applied to six programmes, but I am at a point at which I have accepted the fact that I am meant to be doing philosophy in other ways. For now, at least. I have really enjoyed your comradeship and company over the last several months. It would have been far difficult to survive this trying time without y'all. Best of luck to all beginning their PhD journeys this autumn, and bon courage to those whose lives will, like mine, take them on other paths for the time being. It's been a pleasure serving with all of you. Much love! Misha
  4. Thank you kind @dormouse I reckon this means one of your waitlist positions turned into an offer?!
  5. Solicited rejection from CU Boulder. “We have just completed the ordering of our very small waiting list. I am sorry to have to tell you that you are not included on it.” Made me sad. But his response was very kindly worded. I’ve also solicited Tulane, my first choice and final hope, but it’s been a couple of days and I haven’t had a response yet. I’ll be sure to update when I do.
  6. Thanks for the update @PhiloStorian. When did you get the WL notification from CU Boulder? As far as I can tell, only a couple of people on gradcafe have received any any kind of response from them.
  7. That’s really great, I’m so pleased for you! If you do end up choosing Tulane, I very much hope to be joining you there. My AOI is philosophy of mind, and I’d love to work with Kevin Morris. I exchanged emails with him before applying and it seemed positive on all sides, so I’m still cautiously optimistic whilst nevertheless attempting to manage my expectations.
  8. Hey pal, just letting you know you’re in the Philosophy thread. Best of luck to you!
  9. Congrats! I’ve been waiting with bated breath to hear back from Tulane, they’re my top choice. What was the notification method? And what’s your AOI?
  10. It’s happened before...
  11. It’s possible...I did see someone on FB say that they’d solicited, to which the reply was that their decisions would be going out “by the end of the month” ?
  12. Maybe @Metanoia is a bit tired of MA?
  13. Looks like you’ve got some amazing options! Where are you leaning?
  14. The hilarity happening on the results page today is really keeping my spirits up ? No acceptances so far...Still waiting on results from CU Boulder, Tulane (even though not a ranked department, my top choice for family/POI/AOI purposes) and wild card Berlin School of Mind and Brain. This week I sent in the manuscript for my first book, on yoga and philosophy of mind. Without that distraction anymore, I’m spending way too much time on gradcafe again...but the community here is really fantastic and inspiring. Big love y’all, stay strong.
  15. This is maybe my favourite sentence I’ve ever read on this forum.
  16. I might have suspected, you legend. Congrats!
  17. Can anyone claim the CU acceptance? Would love to congratulate and hear details such as AOI, what form the acceptance came in, etc ?☺️
  18. I’m sorry to hear about the denial. I’m equally sorry to hear that that’s how you found out. Seems genuinely rude to forgo reaching out with the decision. Bon courage!
  19. The legend that is @big modality! ??????
  20. I’m super curious about who got the LSE offer, and about why you are doubtful as to whether you’ll accept. I didn’t apply there myself, but it’s a top-notch programme. Congrats either way!
  21. I’m guessing that would be the legend that is @be. Am I right!?
  22. I mean my Boulder app portal. That’s what I would expect to see as well, but instead I have a grey checkmark that says waived. Curious.
  23. Question for CU Boulder applicants: On my portal it says that my GRE Scores were “waived” on 18 January, which is before my other programmes received the scores. Has anyone else seen this on their own portals? Do they not take GRE into account? I emailed the Phil Dept to ask about this a couple of weeks ago, but haven’t heard a peep back from them so far.
  24. On the bright side, you’ve entered a room full of philosophers at perhaps the most exciting time possible!
  25. I dig it. I dig it good. Apparently I’ve run out of reactions to give on GradCafe (I didn’t even realise that was a thing!?), but I’m pleased that our philosophies have ways of overlapping.
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