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Everything posted by Shmandy

  1. For those still waiting on Saint Louis, I received an email to check the application portal for my letter yesterday afternoon. Unfortunately for me it was a rejection letter, but perhaps some of you will have happier discoveries.
  2. I applied to the new Christianity in Antiquity program.
  3. I saw one SLU interview post back in late January or early February, but I didn't get an interview and I haven't heard anything at all.
  4. Woke up to an email from Duke GPR saying there was a decision on my application. Logged in to see "Decision Not Ready," which is incredibly confusing and frustrating. Edit: Logged out, then back in and found a rejection letter waiting there for me. It's what I had anticipated.
  5. I also didn't receive anything from Duke GPR today. No email, nor any update on my application status. They have been particularly slow with their decisions it seems, what with interviews being two weeks ago apparently.
  6. I've yet to hear from 3 of the 5 programs I applied to, although I imagine I'm more likely between rejection and waitlist than admittance on any of them. I haven't seen many UNC postings in the results though.
  7. Just heard from Baylor and got waitlisted. Here's hoping someone else got a better offer, or that literally any other school contacts me soon.
  8. Congrats! Was it an email from a POI or official? Because they seemed to say next week for official acceptance at Baylor, right? Maybe I misheard.
  9. You'd think, wouldn't you? It would certainly ease my mind a bit to at least know I don't need to bother thinking about some of the programs I'm hopeful about.
  10. Couldn't hurt to call or email someone in the admissions office. I had a similar issue a few weeks back with my SLU app and my transcript that they helped me get sorted. Hope it's not too late for you!
  11. See, I thought I read that, but I went back through the various emails and couldn't find it. Thanks, friend.
  12. Anyone else going to Baylor preview this weekend have any idea about dress? I'm having an 11th hour freakout over what I'm wearing.
  13. Hello all, Frequent lurker, first time poster who has joined the community so I can share my anxiety with others. Do we know whether or not Duke GPR has sent out interview invites yet? I saw someone said "early February," but I wasn't sure if that was last week or this week. Also, has the person accepted into UNC posted here?
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