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Everything posted by eliserichelle

  1. Yes, congrats!!! Do you know of anyone else accepted? I would have expected to see a lot more.
  2. Anyone have any insight on Syracuse? I know of one English person who's gotten accepted, but it's hard to tell if the other acceptances have been English or Comp/Rhet.
  3. I got married a year into my master's! I was 23 and my spouse was 27. Honestly it doesn't feel weird at all. In my experience, people around you will be very excited for you and not treat you any differently. I would say that a good pre-marriage step is moving in together (if you haven't already). I really strongly feel that you need to live together before you get married. It really forces you to get to know each other in ways that you weren't expecting, and exposes any potential flaws in the relationship. Especially when you're in grad school (and potentially going to be there for a while), it's good to figure out how the home dynamic will work in terms of how your work load affects your ability to hang out with your spouse or contribute to housework and stuff like that.
  4. Can anyone offer some insight into Penn State's notification process for their PhD program? I've seen that some people have been admitted to the masters and some others have been contacted by the DGS(?) to let them know that they are on the wait list. But it's all seemed very sporadic, and I haven't heard of anything concrete concerning the PhD.
  5. Same, so same. Virginia is such a strong fit for me and it's one of the last I have to hear from after nothing but rejections. I feel like there are a lot of us on this board that really need some good news, so let's just pray that for some reason universe listens and we all get in! <3
  6. It looks like last year they started notifying around the 16th.... so...... queue palpitations.
  7. Praying to everything that's holy that they don't all go out at once. Serial rejection sucks so much more than I expected.
  8. I just called and they said that all of the acceptances had been sent out but they're "not done with the process." It was extremely vague... but I think it's safe to say that if we didn't hear from them we've either been rejected or waitlisted.
  9. Anyone starting to feel.... really depressed and hopeless? I applied to 10 schools and have been rejected from four, and am expecting rejections from two more. I know it only takes one, but I'm starting to feel like my chances are almost 0 of getting in anywhere.
  10. Congrats!!! That's amazing. Who was the email from? Did it look like they're sending them all out at once, or are they personalized? Thanks!!
  11. I'm just praying there's some way they're not done with the acceptances yet.
  12. Good point but how could I listen to the silence of my email then??
  13. Yeah I had called yesterday after the first wave of acceptances were posted, and they said that they'd sent out some acceptances but still had more to send out later in the day, but I didn't see anything else posted last night soooooooo who knows. I was really hoping for some good news and now I'm just anxious lol
  14. Omg SAME, I feel like I can't relax at all.
  15. I called Brown and they said that only some of the acceptances had been sent out, and the rest will most likely be coming later today. I read on one of the forums that the most recent rejection was from somebody who saw all the acceptance and assumed they'd been rejected.
  16. Congrats!!! How did you find out??
  17. Same here! I'm a very strong candidate--great writing samples, awesome transcripts, very strong LOR's, 2 conferences, 3 languages, etc., and I've gotten 4 rejections. I'm still waiting on 6 schools but I'm feeling very anxious and hopeless at the moment. I would die of happiness to get into just ONE program.
  18. Not necessarily! I just called the department and they told me that some acceptances have already gone out, but the rest will likely be sent out later today.
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