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Posts posted by UTQT

  1. I just received my recruitment schedule! My first two meetings are with faculty that I would absolutely love to work with (so excited/nervous to talk with them!). My third meeting is with a wonderful professor that I don’t know much about— I checked his CV and we don’t really overlap in terms of research. Is it typical to get paired with someone tangential to your field, and are those meetings best used to talk about UT Austin more generally? Of course I’m interested in hearing about his research, so I’ll read up on him and prepare questions.

  2. 20 minutes ago, dazedandbemused said:

    It's not impossible to get a pass, but most people in the department don't. That's primarily because the pass isn't a guarantee of parking, it just gives you access to certain kinds of campus parking. I had a friend who bought a pass our first year and ended up never using it because the traffic near campus is so congested that parking fills up quickly. There are a few garages and many people use metered parking in West Campus so if that would work for you, I'd recommend those options before paying for the pass.

    This is so helpful! Thank you! 

  3. I’ve also been wondering about transportation to campus. Is it really impossible to get a parking pass? don’t really care where the parking is on campus. If I have to drive to campus and then take a shuttle from the parking garage, that would still be wonderful! I have been looking at apartments ~20 minutes away. Maybe this is a mistake? I had been looking at the Northwest Hills area. Also, y’all are amazing. Thank you so much!

  4. @silenus_thescribe Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions! You have no idea now grateful I am. Your comments are so helpful. 

     I'm so excited to hear that the cohorts are social and that there is a strong sense of community. This is so important to me. I'm also happy to hear that the faculty are receptive to different research agendas. Thank you for the wardrobe advice. I'll happily skip the suit!

    My pre-visit jitters have been cured. 

  5. Hi @silenus_thescribe! Thanks for this wonderful information. I also received an offer from UT Austin. I'm really excited, but I have a BUNCH of questions. 

    1) Can you talk a little bit about your TA experience? Is it 1/1 or 2/2 your first and second year? If you are in British lit, will you be assigned to British lit? How are you assigned?

    2) What is the dress code for the recruitment days? I'm terrified I'm going to show up underdressed. 

    3) Can you talk about class selection? I've been looking through the course catalogue a bit. Have you always felt like there were engaging classes to take? 

    4) Does everyone get approximately the same financial offer? I keep hearing about how expensive Austin is. 

    5) Are the faculty open-minded to highly experimental research? 

    6) Are the cohorts usually engaged and social outside of the classroom?

    I have other offers, but I plan to accept this one. Thanks for talking me through my pre-recruitment jitters. I hope I'm what they expect when I show up. I really hate Lacan... so I'm not going to wow anyone with that.

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