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Everything posted by acciojenna

  1. rejected my offer at laurier so hopefully that opens up a spot for you!!
  2. Does anyone know if we're able to apply to OGS after the fact? I'm stupid and did not apply in time. thanks in advance!
  3. Hi! I have been accepted to both as well! Can I ask you what your reasoning is for leaning toward Laurier?
  4. Hey! I was waitlisted last year and to improve my application I decided to do a fast-track SSW program at George Brown. It's only 8 months, and half of it is essentially placement which I thought would be useful as I think I was lacking hands on experience. In addition to that I did a little bit of volunteering. I think this year I also just strengthened my letter of intent and got one really strong rec letter that I was too scared to ask for last year (should have just done that) which made a difference. There is a question in the app where they ask you what changed about your app since last year so i think it's helpful for them to see dedication/commitment, extra steps to improve ones app. While you are waitlisted, I would recommend getting more experience in the next month or two, maybe another rec letter and potentially a better research methods grade if possible and send it in to strengthen you application and increase your chances of getting off the waitlist.
  5. Just received my acceptance through SGS! This is my second time applying - I was waitlisted last year, so don't lose hope!!
  6. Mine starts with a B... so possibly?
  7. Guys... mine says invited... that means im in for sure right? I am kind of in shock and feel like this was a glitch lol IM IN RIGHT?
  8. Do you mean when we hear about being waitlisted or hear about moving off the waitlist?
  9. Nothing new in my Loris! lol probably does not help remotely but looks like we're all still waiting ? The anxiety is killing me.
  10. the waiting is toooooooorture
  11. Waitlisted at Western! Merp. mixed feelings.
  12. Does anyone know when we might be hearing from western re the 2-year msw program? Shouldn't it be around this time? ?
  13. I think the rough calculation about hearing back in late May / June is probably correct - but I know a Alum of the 2 year MSW program who heard back at the end of August and had two weeks to prepare. I think at the end of the day - most people will have made their final decisions by June, but a few might change their mind or life happens and so people on the waitlist can realistically hear back any time until the program actually starts.
  14. Does anyone know how U of T's waitlist works? It's apparently not ranked, so are people removed at random or is there still a system to it?
  15. It appears that people have in fact gotten accepted without their status changing (so i'm also trying to stay a little hopeful) but I think they were in the minority or at least reflected as such in this forum.
  16. Hi everyone- I got Angela on the phone and while her response was still vague, she told me that all letters were mailed out today. Meaning by the time we had spoken (an hour ago) all the letters had been sent out.
  17. I hope you get it! It's amazing that you did all that while being a mother too, good for you!
  18. if you've received an invite and you go here on acorn: does the MSW show up plzzz someone answer me this.
  19. Also- has anyone's SGS status changed at all?
  20. for those of you whose status on acorn has changed to "invited" when you go to "enroll and manage" and then click on programs, does the MSW show up there? I ask because my status is invited due to another program I have applied for with no way to seemingly differentiate.
  21. If your status says invited and you click under enroll and manage and then programs, does the MSW show up there?
  22. Then that's definitely a great sign! I applied to an OISE program that I was accepted into so i have no indication!! ahh I want to know
  23. If this is the only U of T program you've applied to then there's certainly a very good chance! If you've applied for another U of T program it could also refer to that.
  24. D: I hope they call you back soon.
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