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  1. I got that message too. I think it is standard.
  2. Geosciences: E/E, E/VG,VG/G The G person wanted me to give a timeline of my research (how much time it would take for each step) and then wanted me to write about the implementations and dissemination of the broader impacts. My favorite reviewer totally gets me "I have always observed that the students who are involved in research work ignore course work and do not care much about GPS" (obvious typo for GPA). I am an undergraduate and even the VG/G person had some great things to say. I was worried about my GPA and that wasn't an issue for any of them.
  3. I went to the liquor store and got a 6 pack of Peroni to help me pass the time and sleep tonight. Good luck everyone and do post here if you get it. I don’t expect to being an undergraduate but I look forward to the feedback.
  4. What time is it usuallt posted and emails are sent out? I suspect it’s later than 11pm EDT.
  5. Fastlane website has a maintance scheduled
  6. You should be able to because for me my rejections have been because there is no funding or they have already given it to other students. Your POI might feel overloaded and not want to take on another student, then maybe check with other professors.
  7. I agree with @Bayesian1701. They have the instance of 2018 page w/ no list, and they put back the 2017 list without a maintenance. It all has to do with the AwardList.do file, a java based file for dynamic webpages. They need to add the 2018 list and connect it with the dropdown menu, currently the blank spot. On GRFP when you click awards and honors it takes you to 2018 but when you change to a different year you can’t go back because year doesn’t exist. I think the only issue might be everyone checking the results could crash fastlane. I suspect that is why they have waited until the early morning hours in past years. But to send out a bunch of emails and upload the list shouldn’t be something that needs maintenance, unless they are worried messing up the AwardList.do file will have other impacts... It shouldn’t.
  8. Must have happened within the last hour.... Hopefully they skip this Friday nonsense and just release the list now, tonight or tomorrow. Friday at the latest. Finally joining the thread. I have been checking this thread and others frequently for about a month now. Good luck everyone.
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