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Everything posted by Jules24

  1. You can try to email them.. but they stated they are still sending out decisions past March 31st.. even for the people who applied before Nov 15th.
  2. Btw, what's your teachables and what division have you applied too?
  3. It's not your overall average, its your last 10 courses that are level 3 or level 4. If you don't go to Uoft search on Google UTSC GPA calculator and make each course weight 0.5 and enter your last 10 credit grades there. You don't have to put course codes. Hope this helps!
  4. What was your GPA if you don't mind me asking? I am on the same boat as you, I have great teaching experiemce too. Also, I have two friends that got rejected and they got emails. So maybe she means the email will be sent out by next week? Maybe you got in, they just didn't send a response out yet.. Did you apply before Nov 15th? Did you email a lady named Cheryl?
  5. Hey I contacted them via email (the head) and they said due to a higher volume of applications they will send out decisions beyond March 30th..
  6. Nothing for me either and I applied like first week of November. I'm still wondering if they are doing it alphabetically?
  7. Thank you for your response! Hope to join you at OISE!
  8. Thanks so much for your response! If anyone knows how they take your GPA while actually in 4th year let me know.. because wouldn't they only be able to see Fall 2017 marks for our final year?
  9. MT. You can see it on their Facebook page.
  10. On their Facebook group they had a meet and great for "all" the potential teacher candiants March 28th... Is your guys last names first letter at the end of the alphabet?
  11. I can't find anyone who has chosen Math as their teachable subject.. and I want to see if anyone with similar teachables got results.. LOL its funny because I always try to think of theories of how they let out results. Also do we calculate GPA with this Fall 2017 semester? Or just our third year?
  12. I wonder too.. But I have a few friends who got accepted. I tried to ask the department on the phone but they said it's random. When did you apply? (Sorry I don't know if you've already posted this). Also did your last year GPA consist of just your senior year credits like no first or second year courses? (Is that how we calculate it?) Have you applied with I/S as your first choice and what's your teachable(s)? Because the people I know that got in are all in other divisions. But I read back on this forum and a few people in I/S got in. Im honestly so scared.. do you guys have any plans on what you'l be doing if the results are bad?
  13. Hey Guys! I called them as well, and yes-- they said they didn't review the last batch yet. If we don't hear a response 1 week from today to get in contact with the head of the department. Also, they said they aren't sending out responses tomrrow because its Good Friday. I hope this helps everyone!
  14. What happens to the people at the end of the review pile if they've already sent out the max amount of acceptances? -- without even looking at the end of the pile peoples applications. Oh man.. this is so stressful!
  15. Hey guys.. I've just found this site today! It's March 28th and I'm still waiting.. how about every one else? I applied mid-October to all divisions (I/S 1st Choice, with my teachables as Math and English-- any fellow Math or English people here?). I currently go to UTSC with a double major in Math and English. I wonder if they will give out results on Friday because it's a holiday?
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