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Everything posted by LakeGirl

  1. Hi all, Glad that the waiting is over and happy to share that I received a SSHRC Vanier CGS! I don't know my scores from UBC (they weren't communicated to us...or at least not to me), but posting my national scores below, if it's helpful to reference. Ranked 26/179 SSHRC Vanier CGS Academic Excellence: 8.00 Research Potential: 7.50 Leadership: 7.05 Overall average score: 7.52 Best of luck to everyone else!
  2. Hi all, Starting from the ResearchNet update in the portal, I followed the 'CIHR's COVID-19 webpage' link. On that page, I clicked on the 'Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships' link under the list of specific scholarship opportunities. On that page, it says the following: Anticipated announcement of results: Early April 2020 Release of results of 2019-2020 competition as planned (April 2020). Not sure if we were aware of this already, but hope it helps!
  3. Received letter in Vancouver. Rejected with a 8.3/20 (LOL). No publications, 7 conferences (5 international/2 Canadian), received CGS-M, applied as an MA student.
  4. Radio silence here, PhDough!
  5. I looked around the 2012 thread a bit. Someone who was awarded a CGS Doctoral Scholarship was not able to view the Michael Smith Foreign Supplement application form. Another student who was awarded a SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship was able to view the Michael Smith Foreign Supplement application form. ...so seems unlikely that being able to view the application is an indication of being awarded a CGS.
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