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  • Gender
  • Pronouns
    she, her, hers
  • Location
    North Carolina
  • Application Season
    2019 Fall
  • Program
    MFA Directing

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Decaf (2/10)



  1. Hey y'all! With the process of MFA directing applications around the corner I thought it'd be good to go ahead and open this space up. I'm still on the fence about applications myself, want to make sure it's logistically/financially feasible, plus make sure I'm in the right headspace and ready for it. To wait or not to wait.. How's everybody feeling? Also, random, but I'm trying to get a sense of other directors' websites, what's highlighted, what's not, etc. Anyone willing to share their url? Would love to take a look if you're willing to share! I'm ruthevelynallen.com. Sending peace, love, and good vibes!
  2. Hey, all! I'm currently a senior undergrad at UNC. I'm trying to decide if it's worth applying to MFA directing programs or if I need to wait and gain some experience. I feel like I have no idea what I'm doing. I'm studying education, public policy, and PPE (philosophy/politics/economics) so I don't have an academic background in theatre, though I've taken plenty of drama classes and have directed a student productions, but my experience is minimal compared to most. I've only just decided that I want to do this the rest of my life, so I feel a bit behind. Should I try for fellowships and apprenticeships before applying to MFA in Directing programs? I'm looking at pretty competitive ones, such as Austin, and less competitive ones such as UNG (though they won't accept a new cohort until 2020). I can't get a feel of how unusual it is to head into an MFA program straight after undergrad. Feeling trapped in the cycle that I won't get any work without going through the MFA but won't get into a MFA program without having done any work. Am I kidding myself by thinking I have a shot in getting in somewhere? This is something I really want to do but I don't want to waste the money/stress if it's dumb to try my shot now. Thoughts?? Thanks in advance!
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