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  • Application Season
    2019 Fall
  • Program
    Art History

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  1. Unnecessary. Your submission of an application should implicitly mean that you can commit to the schedule. Don’t waste space in a cover letter spelling this out when hiring managers are going to speed through the many applications they receive for this position.
  2. Seems odd to me, too. My undergraduate advisor told me that by far the two most worthwhile MA programs if you really want to go on to a top program are Williams and the Courtauld.
  3. I think it would probably depend at least partly on what programs you’re looking at. I would imagine that some programs might not find community college courses sufficient as a precursor to graduate study. But I’ve also never been in your position, so please take this with a grain of salt!
  4. Also as much as people like to say that it’s only your adviser that matters, top programs are top programs for a reason. More resources, often higher stipends, to some extent name value, etc. Advisers are a huge part of deciding where to apply and ultimately study, but I don’t think they’re everything.
  5. Yale!
  6. Not necessarily answering your question, but I was one of the acceptances and just let them know that I have chosen another school. So at least one spot freeing up!
  7. No but someone else did (look at the results)
  8. Glad to know that Penn results have all been finalized. I can stop thinking about it and finally commit to another school!
  9. I got an offer with a note that I was waitlisted for a merit fellowship. I don't think I'll be taking it (though not 100% sure enough to let them know at the moment), so at least one spot will likely open up!
  10. I haven’t...not sure what that means. Maybe waitlist? Mass email malfunction?
  11. Anyone heard from Penn? I’m thinking acceptances already went out based on the one acceptance posted...
  12. I would also suggest Anna Arabindan-Kesson at Princeton and (if you decide to apply places not on the east coast) Darcy Grimaldo Grigsby at Berkeley, who is really one of the big names in race/slavery/colonialism in 18th/19th-c. visual culture.
  13. Per a post on the results board, looks like acceptances already went out!
  14. I’m in the same place...my interviewers had mentioned that they’d tell me in a few days so I’ve just assumed that means no. But I also haven’t seen any results at all come in so who knows...
  15. Anyone want to claim the Penn acceptance?
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