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Posts posted by emanomar

  1. 16 hours ago, dancedementia said:

    Go for TC. They have a great record of graduates who go on to PhD/PsyD programs (which is what I assume you're after). In the event that you don't get in, you can always apply for both the following year. 

    @dancedementia Thank you for your reply. i guess i will do this, i will apply for TC (early deadline) for 2019 fall and see how it goes from there.

  2. 19 hours ago, Hk328 said:

    Are these both research based MAs that are not license eligible, or are they mental health counseling degrees?

    If experimental, I would look at the faculty research interests and go with the program that best matches my research interests, as that is going to be one of the most important factors, especially if you are planning to go for PhDs afterwards. 

    Also, oof those are some steep tuition costs. Have you also looked at any of the CUNY schools? Several of them have great Psych programs for a fraction of the cost. 

    @Hk328 Thank you for your reply. The program in NYU is MA in general psychology and in TC is MA in psychology in education. Both are taught masters and i believe this is what i need since my bachelor is not in psychology. I checked CUNY, but my top options are TC and NYU. 

  3. Hi.. so i'm planning to apply for a master degree in psychology. 

    my 2 options are: NYU or TC.

    For the NYU, they are requiring pre-requisties courses which will delay my application till spring 2020, as am planning to take the pre-requisties on spring 2019 and i will miss the deadline for 2019 fall.

    For TC, i will be fine applying for 2019 fall.


    my question is, NYU program worth the waiting? or should i go for TC program the early deadline?

    and which of the programs considered better from clinical perspective?

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