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  1. I certified my school leaving certificate, my bachelor and my master degrees as well as all my transcripts by the embassy. I also had my internship certificates certified. I'm not sure if I'll need them, but I certified them just in case I do. Congratulations on your visa. Where are you going to be taking the language course ? I'll be in Munich.
  2. Hello All ! I was wondering, during my application I never had to send hard copies of my documents to the DAAD. But now would the DAAD ask for them ? Do I need to make certified copies (at the embassy) of my documents in case the DAAD asks for them ? and for the people who did send the hard copies, did you send them simple copies, or copies that have been certified at the embassy ?
  3. Concerning the Declaration of Acceptance, are we supposed to only upload the PDF document we received named Declaration of Acceptance ?
  4. Congrats !! I had received an email from the DAAD saying that I was recommended for the scholarship back in February though my status just changed to Selection made today... this is really nerve wracking ! But oh well I'll just have to wait. By the way, did you receive the award documents by postal mail ?
  5. When do we submit the medical consent and how is that done ?
  6. If it's from your regional DAAD office then you must have received the email on your portal. So it's good news. I hope you receive your award letter soon. Don't worry it'll all work out for the best in the end.
  7. If these emails were received on your portal then just do as they say, you'll get your letter soon enough. The attitude and the way the emails were written may just be due to the fact that the person from the DAAD contacting you has limited english ? Or that they keep getting new information from their higher ups so the info they send you keeps changing ? On a different note, if these emails were received on your private email, then that's weird and there could be an issue there, so don't send your private information unless it's on the portal. Also, I think you should call the DAAD office in Bonn to make sure (By the way it should be someone from the DAAD office in Bonn who should let you know about the award letter and whether you got the scholarship or not) , ask to speak with the person responsible for your region and let them know that you've received consecutive emails and you're not sure how to proceed from here and what you should do. Best of luck.
  8. Best of luck ! I've also received an email around the 19th of February saying that I've been recommended for the scholarship though still waiting for my letter of award.
  9. Hey There! I'm from Morocco. My application status still says Application submitted as well. The status depends on whether our regional center (In Tunisia) updates our status on the portal. So don't worry about that. I had applied back in August (the deadline of my application was the 31st August 2018) What about you ?
  10. My funding dates never changed nor did my status on the portal. And I'm going to need my funding dates to change if I'm going to have to take the language course from June to September, I didn't know there was a language course during that period so I had applied for funding from 01.06.2019 till 31.05.2020. Anyway don't worry about your dates or even your status changing, what matters I think is the email .. Hope you hear good news soon !
  11. I hope so .. I hope you hear good news from the DAAD soon.
  12. Sorry never mind .. just remembered that there's been an alert for a couple of days now saying that the portal would be down
  13. Hey guys, Is anyone else blocked from accessing their account on the portal ? I know it's technically the weekend but I just got into the habit of checking the portal daily, though I can't access it (It says this account user is blocked .. )?
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