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Everything posted by Lonelytraveller127

  1. Congrats!!! Break a leg! Kim is so awesome.
  2. Thank you!! Yes it's so beautiful, I studied in the UK for awhile in my undergrad, but haven't been back since. I am equally excited and terrified. The program is a good fit for me, they have a playwriting MFA cohort that you work closely with and developing and directing new work is one of my main interests and they have an equal amount focused on Shakespeare too. The two program heads are really great people. I am taking a bit of a different route with getting my MFA abroad, but that's how I operate.
  3. Thanks!! I will be attending Edinburgh Napier in Scotland. It's a newer MFA program and it sounds really great. I am praying that things get better with the pandemic.
  4. CMU has either notified finalists or made offers not sure which or if they are doing things differently this year. I was waitlisted again this year, but alas I am going to my choice B program which I am very grateful for, even though much is unknown with the pandemic. @LittleViking131 yeah I hate that many of the schools don't send out no's until very late.
  5. @ctbck I was a finalist at DePaul last year, I'm happy to give some insight, DM me if you'd like to. Otherwise break legs!!!!
  6. Has anyone heard if CMU has sent out interview requests yet?
  7. I could be wrong but I believe that they only took 2 this year, I was told by someone auditioning with me at DePaul that they know the people who got offers and they did not apply this year. They also told me that Northwestern is going through some significant changes. It seems to me that this is accurate based on that it did seem that they interviewed a smaller than normal amount of candidates this year.
  8. Hi All! Congrats to those getting acceptances and I am right there with you on waiting on some still for those that are waiting. I feel like after this process I realized that only 1 of the schools I applied to this year was really a good fit for me and that was CMU. I was notified that I was taken off the waitlist there a week ago, so did not get in and I assume they offered their spots? DePaul I was a finalist at and did not get in however, that is FINE with me as I decided while there I really do not like that program at all for many reasons. UCSD just rejected me now after not bothering to communicate anything at all. CalArts who knows?! I wanted to communicate on here that I learned while at DePaul a couple weeks ago that Northwestern actually offered their 2 spots to candidates who didn't even interview this year they did in previous years...I find this ridiculous and again will not apply there again that is BS. I am frustrated and feel that I wasted a crap ton of money. Just as an FYI I actually have applied to 2 programs in the UK (Edinburgh Napier and University of Birbeck London, they have very different time lines so I am still waiting.) I have no idea how I would get funding but wanted to see if it was a possibility.
  9. Break legs to all who have finalist interviews this weekend! I for one am nervous as hell!
  10. @Eccyclema congrats! I am on the CMU wait list as well.
  11. Any CalArts applicants hear anything at all yet?
  12. Thanks @ShesABrick! Oooof, I have not heard from them BUT that is the same weekend as DePaul finalist interviews which I am going to. I hope it goes great for you, break legs!!!
  13. @ShesABrick congrats!! Did CMU give you a choice about when to interview on campus or is it all the weekend of 14-15?
  14. Hey @LittleViking131!! Congrats on your urtas interviews. Ahhh sending you a message.
  15. Anyone have any advice or insight on the "audition" interview meaning directing a scene under observation? Getting ready for my DePaul interview. Aside from being super prepared, being myself and pretending it's just myself and the actors in the room does anyone have any insightful tips? Thanks!
  16. @TheatreGuy123, In regards to NW, David the assistant emailed me saying that I would not be invited for an interview.
  17. Congrats @Eccyclema! I got a skype interview request with CMU too!
  18. @ShesABrick congrats on the Yale interview! I too also got a rejection from NW today ? With CMU I felt their gradCAS system was confusing in terms of sending over transcripts! Good to know on Feb 1. too thanks.
  19. Heard from DePaul today! Interviewing on campus Sat. Feb. 15. Anyone hear from anyone else? @Eccyclema I didn't apply to Yale so I don't know all the specifics but recently was having a conversation with a UCSD MFA graduate that is here in the Twin Cities, who said not to lose hope if you don't get in the first round of interviews with some schools that doesn't always mean anything as they may feel their first selection wasn't a good fit or vice versa. That gave me relief anyway!
  20. Thanks to all who gave the great advice on URTAs and also good luck to you all! Wanted to ask as well how many of you have applied multiple times for your MFA? Just wondering how many times I should give this a go. I am at a road block point in my career where producing and directing for my small company is exhausting and limiting and where assistant directing at LORT theatres is also not getting me anywhere.... Also another major question, those of you who did not do URTAs did you visit schools before your application and introduce yourself? If so how did you accomplish that I am in the Twin Cities and aside from Iowa and the Chicago schools it would be very difficult for me to travel to other schools.
  21. Hi All, First time applicant here. Applied to 6 schools. I chose not to do URTAS. Can anyone who has experience doing both URTAS and not tell me if I maybe screwed myself over by making that choice? Only 1 of the schools I applied to was attending URTAs and I just felt it was a waste of extra time and money for that reason. Also wondering has anyone heard anything from Carnegie Mellon yet on interviews?
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