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Everything posted by Fridayz

  1. Ah ok thanks! Do you know which two he has interviews with?
  2. Can you clarify which UC schools your friend has interviews with? There are more than 3 UC schools that I can think of. And congrats on UMN! Did they interview you or just call?
  3. How do you know?
  4. Ah ok thanks! Rutgers was the only one of my apps who required physical transcripts which was kind of annoying ?
  5. When did you get the email from Rutgers? Was it from someone in the department or just a general email?
  6. Yes it says March on the site, but past freak out forums have gotten a phone interview or call to notify them they are a finalist around Feb 15-20.
  7. Maybe it means they’re reviewing apps? I haven’t tried logging into any of my things out of fear of catching a glimpse of a spelling mistake somewhere and having a full breakdown haha As a heads up tho - UCLA usually gets back to finalists 2nd week of February for painting. Is that the area you applied to?
  8. Trying to make sense of analytics hits that are nowhere near the schools you applied to:
  9. Does anyone know much about how the government shutdown is affecting FAFSA?
  10. Congrats you two!!! Was OSU first choice for both of you?
  11. Oooo I’ve been secretly hoping this too! This forum didn’t start until October this year and previous years started as early as July.
  12. Also forgot about Google Analytics! I got a hit from Middletown, New Jersey the day after submitting my Rutgers app. Gonna chalk that up to coincidence tho and try not to get too excited this early in the game ??
  13. Finished my apps too! Relieved and mortified. Now I’m reading through the past 3 years of freak out forums to pass the time ?
  14. Ok here’s a question - this is the 2nd and 3rd time I’ve applied to a couple of these programs, but last time I applied was 2-3 years ago. Do you think that having applied to a program multiple times could work against me? Or perhaps they won’t even remember my application? I saw on previous freak out boards that some people applied to programs multiple times and got in and that gave me hope but I’m starting to get a little nervous about it ?
  15. Thanks for the tip! I mostly tried to keep it a good mix of vague enough that they can’t be like “wtf?” and specific enough so it doesn’t sound like BS lol. And thanks for the information you listed above!!! I didn’t know that much about UC Irvine - especially the living situation there. And I’m excited to hear about new studios at UCLA!
  16. Thanks! Some of my statements want only 300-500 words ?? I’m like...how...???
  17. What are thoughts on listing specific professors you want to work with in the statement of purpose? I’ve gotten mixed feedback about doing it, so I’ve been focusing on other things in the statement, but now I’m starting to wonder.
  18. Omg thank you! Just got it ??
  19. Did Ucla get back to you about the supplemental app? I just noticed on their site that it would be available soon, just seems a little late. Maybe they’re starting with a new system this year?
  20. I think for UCI I’m going to do what they say on the site and for UCLA I’ll include it. I was digging through other boards related to film and writing mfa at UCLA and it seems to be a common topic. The consensus seems to be that it can’t hurt to include it. Granted this is for film and screenwriting and not studio art, so it could be different for them These were some of the boards I looked at: https://www.filmschool.org/threads/ucla-statement-of-purpose.19181/ https://graduate.universityofcalifornia.edu/admissions/applying/personal-statement/
  21. So it seems that the personal history statement isn’t required for my other apps. I’m super unsure if I should include it now. Would it work against me if I include something that is optional??
  22. I’m going to submit the personal statement for mine. It’s required for all of my other apps so I’ll have one written anyway. If it’s optional then idk if they’ll pay much attention to it? Anyone else have insight on this tho?
  23. Have you started your app for UCLA yet? Have you been able to access the supplemental app?
  24. Is there anyone else who is applying to UCLA and can’t access the Supplemental Application yet? Do you have to submit the App for Graduate Admission first to gain access?
  25. How were the grad studios at UT Austin? I’m not able to find much about it on their site. Do grads get private studios?
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