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  1. @CavaleriusI have already set-up a visit with TAMU for March 1. No idea how many other prospective students will be there. The grad student coordinator is very nice and easy to set-up a visit with. @Robatum I was at the accepted student's day for UNC biostat last week and I got the sense they weren't done yet making offers so don't assume rejection yet!
  2. Does anyone else find it strange that UMich biostat has (according to the results page) only sent out Master's acceptances and PhD rejections? Can't tell if it's a good or bad sign I haven't heard anything from them yet lol
  3. I was also accepted to TAMU w a fellowship nomination and emailed the dept about a visit day. They said they dont have one planned but may see if several people can come at once. Otherwise, visits will be on an individual basis.
  4. Hey everyone, So I recently received an email from UCLA statistics, asking me to fill out a form where I rank my preference of faculty members I would like to work with. Is this a good sign that I received this email or does everyone who applied get it? Thanks!
  5. Okay, thanks so much! That's very reassuring.
  6. Hey everyone, Sorry if this is kind of a unique/random question. I recently submitted my stat/biostat PhD applications. As you know, almost all of these programs require multivariate calculus for applicants. While I have taken this course, it appears on my transcript as "Analysis II". I'm slightly worried that my application could be disregarded because the words "Calculus III" or "Multivariate Calculus" don't appear on my transcript, even though, as I said, I have taken the course. Should I email the programs to let them know about this and clear up any potential confusion? Or will they see that I'm a math major and see I have taken upper level math courses and thus assume that I've met the multivariate prereq? Sorry if I just sound over-nervous lol and thanks so much in advance!
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