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Everything posted by beepbopboopityboop

  1. I messaged you guys my POI (please keep this information in confidence). Interview weekend appears to be the weekend of February 22nd. Thanks for the congrats, and best of luck to you guys as well!
  2. Stanford psychology POI emailed me an invite to interview weekend!
  3. I applied to the Affective area and received a phone call from my POI asking to discuss my interests. I was told that interview invites would be sent out in a little more than a week from today. It is hard to get into grad programs, and it is hard to pursue a career in academia afterwards. But I'd rather pursue this path than work at some company that has a mission that I am not passionate about. I think going to grad school and maybe working in academia afterwards will give me a lot of meaning in life. I know that when I'm older, I'll be proud and thankful that I pursued an academic path even if I end up disliking the path. This will be my second time applying, and if it doesn't work out, I'm going to try a third time.
  4. Sorry, that was unclear. It stands for Social Affective Neuroscience Society. Most of the job postings are from psychology or neuroscience labs that could offer a lot of experience with neuroimaging. You can email the administrative coordinator (Courtney Rogers) and ask to be put on the email list!
  5. For those looking for a post-bac full-time paid RA position, I'd highly recommend subscribing to the SANS email list. I often see relevant job postings there.
  6. Oh wow I didn't even realize that it wasn't BCC'd. Thanks for the info!
  7. I'm not familiar with how to use gradcafe (just discovered it today), where do the items on the "Results" page come from? I'm wondering whether that 13 figure is credible. Thanks!
  8. UCLA's social area invites around 10, I believe
  9. Just got invited to UCLA interview weekend. Applied to the social area.
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