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Posts posted by Eriis

  1. 3 hours ago, caffeinated_lurker said:

    I think it's best to accept the defeat and move forward. 

    I'm in the exact same boat as you - 2nd year grad student rejected from both GRFP & NDSEG (my first time applying). But, we still have a lot to look forward to in grad school! Publications, candidacy defense, exciting data, graduation, and application for postdoc/industry positions. These results are only grim if you let them be.

    We both now have experience with the grim reality of funding in academia. If it's too much to handle, there's no shame in moving away from the field. I think success in academia requires a cold and brutal outlook on funding - rejection doesn't necessarily reflect our worth as scientists.

    My PI said to me today, "The bast****s only win if you quit trying."

    Reading your text did make me feel better ❤️

  2. Any chance they might change this status, since they didn't email anyone? 

    I am just desperate since I just got HM for NSF and feeling at an all time low. I can't apply anymore since I'm a second year grad student.

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