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Everything posted by pyramidstuds

  1. I am in the same boat with Illinois. I just learned about "implied rejections" this week, through this site. Frustrating to say the least--I guess I am confused about why they don't send rejections at the same time as acceptance/wait list? Anybody know? I suppose "implied rejections" didn't exist before a site like this, now we now know more about the sequence of the decision-making process.
  2. Yeah. Despite my very best efforts to not have hopes up, knowing the reality, the numbers...the actual rejections still sting.
  3. I don't think it's helped me be less anxious, but it does help (as you mention) with opening my eyes to the process. For the two decisions I've received thus far (ND and UIUC), the dates were pretty close in years previous. I guess it helps manage expectations, but not anxiety. My only friend who has done this process of applying for PhDs is in clinical psychology, and the worlds are vastly different, it seems, so I'm glad to have this anthro-specific spot!
  4. Worries: Applying for a PhD in which I don't have an undergraduate degree; my (thesis-based) master's (graduating in May 2019) is related but not exactly. No research experience beyond what I've done in my master's work. I've been accepted to present at two conferences this year, but no presentations yet. Basically, when I applied, my CV was a total joke. Undergraduate GPA not great. GRE scores fine, but not outstanding. I just feel extremely under-qualified and applied to super specific programs based on my niche interest of anthropology, and all of them happen to be top schools. I got a rejection and an implied rejection yesterday, a tough blow within the space of a couple hours. When I say UIUC was sending decisions last night, I truly felt I might have a panic attack. That implied rejection, UIUC, was my top program. I had a good feeling about it, good communication with my POI, and one of my LORs is from a friend of this POI. Despite lots of eyes on my personal statements, I worry they were not good enough and that's why I'm getting rejections. Finally, if by miracle I get in somewhere, I'm worried about selling my house, moving, and potentially having my partner of 6+ years not move with me. Excitement: Honestly, I don't know right now. I'm excited to know with certainty my future, I guess, but I'm in a bad mental state right now with double rejections in one day. I don't feel good about any other programs, after this. I guess I'm excited to complete my thesis and earn my master's, but sad to not begin a program this fall. I'm so enriched by academia and want to stay in. I know, I sound extremely pessimistic and whiny. I'm just in a bad state and feeling very disappointed in myself.
  5. @Lemonsour123 ha, I did the same thing! For everywhere I applied...?
  6. Sorry for a double post, but also wondering if, in the case of an "implied decision," I should contact the school (in this case UIUC). I see so many people on the results pages who receive a decision after emailing. I wonder, should I be doing the same? Does it show initiative that could matter? I have been erring on the side of not wanting to annoy. Or, am I just delaying the inevitable? I'm dangling in this weird space where I want to be put out of misery, not waiting, but I also worry about the finality of emailing and getting a "no."
  7. Wow, thanks to you both for the thoughtful responses. I hate that "misery loves company" but it really does help to have people who relate to a very specific situation. Plus, I am pretty naive about the goings on with all this stuff, so having insight from others is helpful. I've barely browsed this forum, I mostly just live on the results page (but will visit the threads you recommended, @perpetualalligator, thank you!) so I am learning a lot, for example, "implied decisions." @Lemonsour123 you mentioned that, and we're in the same boat with the same school--am I thinking right that we are kind of on a second tier wait list (if they've already sent out a wave of offers and wait list notices)? Is this common? Also, I am a first-time applicant, and I didn't realize how often folks applied multiple times. I am currently enrolled in a Master's Program (graduating May 2019) and I work full-time, too. So my back-up plan is staying in my job, where I am not fulfilled. But, I guess, I am lucky to have that option. My plan is to hit the job search hard if/when I am unanimously rejected. Thanks again to you both.
  8. I created an account just to participate in this thread...I know it isn't healthy, but I am constantly on this site refreshing. Just reject me already so I can move on! I applied to Notre Dame, UNC Chapel Hill (undergrad alma mater), Cornell, UTSA, Virginia, and Illinois. Yesterday, I was rejected from ND, and nearly had a panic attack (seriously) when I saw UIUC was sending out wait list notices? I check that portal 2378945 times a day, no notice or email from them yet. Earlier in this thread, sounds like first round of acceptances have already gone out. Basically, I am in a panic, I don't expect to be accepted anywhere. Being rejected and then *feeling* rejected (by UIUC) in the same day was a lot. Cornell, there's no way, they probably laughed at my application--but I applied just for fun. I don't think I applied to enough programs. Sorry for the panic. I didn't even tell many friends/family I am applying to PhD programs, because I don't think I will get in anywhere, and don't want to be embarrassed when that happens. So I have nobody to talk to.
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