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Everything posted by pyramidstuds

  1. Welcome, @Anama, I was new here just weeks ago and have found so much support on this forum. Best of luck to you!
  2. Ha, no! ? I wish I could say that was the solution. I was sitting down for a full day of thesis-writing!
  3. Enjoy your holiday! My friend who applied for PhDs last year (Fall 2018) intentionally timed his wisdom tooth extraction for around the time decisions were coming, so he'd be unconscious/loopy/blissfully ignorant.
  4. I didn’t know about that site! But I did just check for a few schools to which I applied, and I’d previously pulled stats straight from the school/department, where available. I assume they’re doing the same, because those numbers matched up for the few places I checked. Interesting resource, glad I found it later as it would’ve fueled my anxiety while waiting.
  5. As a Carolina girl (undergrad) and, therefore, diehard Duke hater, recently thrilled to be going back to UNC for a PhD--we will take all the Duke hate we can! Hate with no guilt!
  6. I'm not sure if it's helpful, since it's a different program, but for my one acceptance, I got an unofficial "recommended for admission" email 3 days before I got the official (generic) email, which told me to check my portal. Before I got the official portal decision, I'd gotten a Welcome Week invite, funding info, etc. I mention this because there was a definite gap between the two notifications. And the Welcome Week to which I was invited is organized by grad students, so maybe some grad students are faster/slower than others?
  7. Thanks! I’ve since been in contact with the DGS who passed along the faculty member who was most interested in my project, along with a couple other potential members of my future committee. This was someone I mentioned in my PS, but I didn’t expect it, and I hadn’t contacted him in the application process, only my main POI. For me this just shows the unpredictability of this entire process.
  8. Congrats, @Lemonsour123! That’s a lot of relatively early decisions (it seems) so I hope the waiting-in-agony is through for you—and it’s still January! And for a top choice program! I’m with you, still nothing from Illinois, but it’ll be UNC for me.
  9. Thank you, @pmcol! I'm so grateful for this forum and the support through this excruciating process. Can't wait to see other decisions and to congratulate you! I am truly shocked and thought it was all over for me...I was being a horrible pessimist just a few days ago...I guess there's a lesson that it's not over 'til it's over--I wasn't sure my fit was strong enough here as with other programs, and I was wrong (in a good way!)
  10. I still think it's a mistake and it will be revoked or something...but I was accepted to UNC! I...I can't believe it. I thought there was no way. Went there for undergrad and will be thrilled to be back on campus. Go Heels!
  11. Thanks! Some of the programs' fine print asked for records of what anth classes I'd taken, or other specifics similar to that, which concerned me a bit because technically I've only taken 1 anth class, first year of undergrad. My masters subject is very interdisciplinary, with a mix of natural and social sciences, but I took a more social science track, with courses taught by anthropologists (and one of my LORs is from an anthropologist well know in our niche of the field). So I'm feeling okay about that. Can't change things at this point, anyway--that's a really good point about writing. I subbed different samples to different programs, but I do think my writing style fits...just to see if anyone wants me
  12. I’m glad someone mentioned it, thought it was just me...
  13. As I ponder that being my next move, in anticipation of being rejected unanimously--maybe I need to start searching for jobs now. Reverse psychology the situation. That'll do it.
  14. I guess you are right, it's not official yet (especially with the late deadline) but since learning about "implied rejections" via this forum, I guess I've reserved myself to believing the worst and hoping for the best, in these situations. I guess every school is different, some admit in waves...and the data about UTSA, specifically, on this site is only 2 people. So I can't look back historically on what this all means. Also, maybe this is the more simple answer, I'm gonna expect the worst and hope for the best. It helps me cope and helps me keep a realistic outlook (although this probably isn't the healthiest method). If I don't get into the school I feel, by far, best about--I don't feel I have a chance at any other school where I applied. So I've kind of resigned myself to not getting in anywhere this cycle (although, yes, it's not official yet). But thanks for checking me back in--I'll retain some hope, I guess
  15. Thanks for the reply! Both perspectives on this were really helpful, thanks. I don't regret my MS even if I don't continue in academia because I absolutely loved the field of study--I just want to keep going, if someone will have me (and fund me)! What I quoted above, whoa! I didn't even think of that but I can totally see it happening. How disappointing. I wonder how many begin with that intent from the beginning, and how many evolve in those couple years to decide they don't want to continue.
  16. Thanks for this--a cliche is one for a reason, it's true, relatable, and deserves repeating, especially at a time where I'm trying to force myself to be positive and not feel defeated by the process. I think I feel foolish because I was so optimistic, I felt I was a competitive candidate, I did everything right--but you summed it up, that things are random and beyond our control! I need to keep that easily accessible in my mind when I get sad. I can't lament what I can't control! Honestly? I am most sad because I really wanted to continue doing research that I profoundly enjoy. A PhD would allow me to do it full-time (whereas right now I work full-time in a stressful, demanding position while I complete my MS full time). I wanted the chance to fully commit my brain and my life and my stress to academia. I was excited by the chance to see what I can do when not encumbered by a job that zaps my energy. The thought of waiting another 1.5 years (at the earliest) on that is discouraging, but I'll wait for official rejections and go from there, I guess!
  17. Thank you, @pmcol for the response! Unfortunately, my final hope for this round was shattered by the most recent anth post on the results page. UTSA was my last hope. It was the one place I felt confident about based on POI conversations and had two that would “love to advise me,” but they admitted someone last week and I’ve got nothing. Their deadline is 2/1 and talking with them, they said they wouldn’t review apps until after that (I submitted back in December anyway with everything else). But it looks they already sent acceptances. Man, what a disappointment seeing that. I feel stupid for wasting time and money. I’m sorry to be such a downer in this forum, but I need the catharsis, I guess. For everyone here, who has been so welcoming, I truly am excited to follow and see how things go for you I don’t think I’ll try this again—but maybe!
  18. To @KuroNeko, @RepatMan, and others who completed a master's before PhD--any insight as to how beneficial (based on your respective cohorts) this is to acceptance and (optimistically) performance in a PhD program? I'm graduating with an MS (not MA) this May. I keep seeing MA and not MS, which has me worried. I have a BA and soon an MS. The MS is very related to anthropology and the work I have done within fortified my interest in pursuing a PhD. I'm being sketchy about revealing the specific subject of my MS because it's a very niche subset of study and would make my identity easy to find. Not a huge deal but I'm embarrassed by this process, and being rejected, so I'd planned not to reveal too much personal stuff lest someone I know browse these forums and recognize me, and my failures. Also, the specificity of my field of study is why I'm applying for PhDs in anthropology and not my subject, because there are basically no PhD options for it. If my being cagey is annoying and unhelpful, let me know... Basically, I'm concerned about MS vs MA...what does that mean for anthropology PhD programs, in your opinion/experience?
  19. Welcome (I am also new!) and congrats on your momentum!
  20. Yep, went there for undergrad and would love to return, but don't feel super optimistic about the fit and had already written it off mentally (still stressed deep down, though). Sadly, I thought Illinois was a good fit, though, with various faculty I would have been thrilled to work with...so maybe my "gut feeling" is actually useless.
  21. Thanks! It's my first cycle and this forum is very eye-opening to the nuances of the process. Sorry for all the questions. What is the work to be done between now and April for the departments? After interviews, are they managing conversations with admittees, do they recruit or just sit back? I'm super curious about all of it. I imagine it's a lot along with other duties related to their posts. For those not on this forum waiting in agony for decisions...it just seems they should send 'em out! Notre Dame didn't select me for an interview but they let me know, and formally rejected me, rather than just ghosting me (that's kinda what this is...ghosting, haha)
  22. Makes sense! What about programs that don't interview? The programs to which I applied seem to be 50/50 interview or not (and I don't think Illinois interviews).
  23. I am also interested about this. I see there's a separate discussion thread about it, but I hadn't checked it out because I didn't know the acronym.
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