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  • Gender
  • Interests
    Social disorganization, feminist criminology, juvenile delinquency
  • Application Season
    2019 Fall
  • Program
    Criminology | Sociology

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  1. Is Temple going to be able to fund you? I'm sorry about Irvine
  2. No, it is definitely still exciting! You are so close, but don't let that excitement get in the way of logic. I read a bunch of opinions on whether it's a good idea to accepted an unfunded Ph.D. and most people said definite no and that the majority of unfunded Ph.D. students never get funding after the fact and actually drop out due to the cost. I would just take another year and try again! I have been hearing great success stories of taking a year and fixing parts of their application that were weak and getting accepted into every program they apply to! But don't give up hope it sounds like they are working to get you funding!
  3. Wow! It sounds like they are pretty confident they'll be able to offer you a funded spot, but I don't know if you should take an unfunded offer... you may never get funding and owe a lot of money by the end of the Ph.D., wouldn't it be better just to strengthen your application and reapply next year? I don't think you want to pay out of state at Temple for at least 4 years.
  4. I feel like that was the case with my mentors too, because I went directly to the loudest rooms and found them with ease.
  5. I didn’t go to Rutgers!! I went to American and that one was fun
  6. The cost is ridiculous! I understand that, I also narrowed down my choices a lot. I only applied to four and I did that too, there was a couple of schools receptions I didn’t like at all. I’m lucky because my interests align really well with sociology so I was able to apply to at least one sociology program. I really liked Temples reception but hated Penn States and George Masons lol
  7. That is a long distance relationship! I’m sorry, is there any reason you only wanted to apply to 3?
  8. I'm guessing you don't go to Temple but you live in Philadelphia huh? Did you get an interview at UCI? I thought they did interviews? It sounds like you only applied to a couple programs, and you've only heard back from Arizona State?
  9. Have you contacted either school?
  10. Where else are you waiting on??
  11. Sometimes it isn't up to the professor whether or not they want to work with you, unfortunately, it could just be that the committee (which he might now be on) decided that there was a stronger candidate regardless of the fact that the professor likes you and wants to work with you ?. Have you been accepted elsewhere? You aren't just waiting on this program I hope!
  12. I was theorizing that Temple does it where they have waitlists for each individual spot that have specific research interests and once that spot has an official acceptance then everyone on that waitlist is rejected and if someone doesn’t take the spot they choose someone the next person ranked highest on that specifc waitlist.
  13. Yes!! That was me I haven’t seen anyone else
  14. There is a waitlist so just keep hope
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